Denied Removed.

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Kibes' Pet
-Lied about his age the first time he staffed
-Turned 13 a couple months ago
-After he left HcRival he was super toxic



Well-known member

-Lied about his age the first time he staffed

-Turned 13 a couple months ago

-After he left HcRival he was super toxic

1. I was very close to being 13 and it wasn't significant so I said I was 13, which didn't change anything.
2. I was never toxic, you are only making this post and you have current beef with me for who knows why.


Kibes' Pet
and more stuff in the discord group that got deleted hmmm


Well-known member
and more stuff in the discord group that got deleted hmmm

1. I wasn't being myself as I was not having the best of days and you decided to make it worse by attacking me personally. You were constantly being rude to me attacking every aspect of my life. I am not proud of that however I have improved since that took place. (That was around 1-3 weeks ago). That won't ever happen again and I don't know what came over me.

2. I did not delete anything, but the group was removed not by me due to some reasons I cannot share.


Well-known member
Everyone has their moments where they are not proud of how they acted. That was mine. I hope that you do not judge me by what is said in that message. But instead of my personality displayed in this application and other situations of how I've acted.


Kibes' Pet
That was not the only thing you said, you would non-stop be toxic every single day in that discord group. So dont act innocent and blame it on having a bad day because it was everyday.


Well-known member
That was not the only thing you said, you would non-stop be toxic every single day in that discord group. So dont act innocent and blame it on having a bad day because it was everyday.

That is not true. I am very sorry about how I acted that day and hopefully you can forgive me and understand what I was going through. I'm not talking about this anymore as I have already addressed the situation that was months ago and I have changed since then.


Well-known member
For everyone that said lacking detail,

I have added some assorted detail.

For the toxicity point,

I was not at my best in the discord with seducive. I have talked to seducive and we are cool now. We all have done something in the past we are not proud of, and that is for sure one of mine. I was going through something in school as well as at home during that screenshot and was not at my best. I understand that is not a valid excuse and I don’t think it is. I am not proud of that at all and that does not reflect my personality.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application!


Active member
I'm changing my "Neutral" to a -1 due to toxicity you had in the past and it seems you have current problems.


Well-known member
Here is the full story of those messages. It begins off at school where I was being bullied due to my height and some grades I've gotten in the past. The "bullies" started messing with my stuff in Athletics and scattered my backpack's belongings out into lockers across the hallways through the lockers. I was really angry and just annoyed with myself on my grades and my height. I went home that day being really sad and distressed so I decided to watch a bit of YouTube and play some Hypixel. I was in a group chat with some Hypixel community members involving Seducive, Threes, Two of my friends from staffing, and 4 other community members. Seducive pointed out my height as I made the mistake to share my IRL in a community discord we were all in prior. It reminded me of how I felt when the bullies were messing with me and made me feel singled out and different. I acted out of straight anger and shouldn't have. That does NOT reflect my personality, personal being, or how I act AT ALL. I have since learned and have made many friends over the game from either Staffing or Playing. I do not condone Toxicity nor do I want to be Toxic. I really am not proud of that moment at all and have learned what it means to be a great staff member from various experiences after that toxic remark. I have since changed greatly and hope that that does not reflect my personality or how I act at all, as it is not and I do not act like that at all. I've been hoping to be given the opportunity to become a Helper on the SagePvP network and have worked greatly on my application and attitude since then.

I am having an awesome day so far with having this vacation from school which has gotten me to work out my priorities and how I like to act on the internet. As they say, nothing on the internet can be permanently deleted and it all reflects how you are as a person. I hope you all have a wonderful next of this COVID-19 crisis and enjoy your time on Sage.

Best Regards,


Established member
I don't want to seem rude but by commenting to every single post makes you seem immature. It's clear you don't have a grasp on the situation and that a lot of people dislike you. I would recommend coming back at a later time or just talk to the staff manager personally because forum posts like these always get trashed/


Well-known member
1. I wasn't being myself as I was not having the best of days and you decided to make it worse by attacking me personally. You were constantly being rude to me attacking every aspect of my life. I am not proud of that however I have improved since that took place. (That was around 1-3 weeks ago). That won't ever happen again and I don't know what came over me.

2. I did not delete anything, but the group was removed not by me due to some reasons I cannot share.
-1 toxic
when i staffed u got butthurt that i was asking why u chased me across the fucking map on my alt and u got really toxic. the next staff meeting you got demoted.


Well-known member
-1 toxic
when i staffed u got butthurt that i was asking why u chased me across the fucking map on my alt and u got really toxic. the next staff meeting you got demoted.

That is not the reason of my demotion.

That is also false.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application nonetheless.
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