Denied meme


Well-known member

Lack of detail in each section of the application. Could use some color code to make it look nicer, put mor effort into it and my -1 will change. Good luck!


Active member


Well-known member
+1 Lots of supposedly??? Fake accusations of things he has done that are against the TOS to become staff.


Active member

Needs more detail
Color scheme is missing
Needs proof of staff

Good luck!
haha, i don't think you understand color scheme has nothing and when i mean nothing i mean NOTHING with a staff application, and the detail looks fine in my eyes. i will get proof of staff when requested but it isn't necessary as it doesn't state it in the application format


Active member
okay listen, just because this application isn't spaced out does not mean there is less detail, I have no idea why I have to say this, but this application has about 6,000 characters, so don't just skip the entire application just because it isn't spaced out to look fancy or what-not it has more than enough detail and color scheme has nothing to do with staff applications so I would not like to see anything else with color scheme