Denied Enforceing Staff Application







Do you own a quality microphone?

Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?:
Yes i have all of them

Do you have any previous staff experiences?:
I was staff on two small HCF servers.
The first one was called GangHCF i was staff on there for around 2 months the server never got realest,i was admin.
The second server i was only a mod on there it was called CubeHCF the server only had one map before they sold the server to someone else. They sold it because they didn't make any money. i had a little bit of experience from being staff on both servers but not alot. I hope to get more experience by becoming staff on sage.

Why do you want to become staff?:
These are some of the reasons I'd like the chance to become part of the Sage staff team.I haven't been enjoying the game as much recently and I feel like it's time for a change. In fact, I've almost completely given up on playing HCF. In my opinion, the game-mode is way too repetitive and it just gets boring for me. Although, I definitely feel like going back into staffing is the right decision for me right now and for the future. I'd like to give new players and old ones the enjoyment I once got out of the game and make the game-play as smooth as possible for them.I feel like I can be a positive influence on Sage community and a great addition to the staff team.I don't want to be staff just because it looks nice and people will think I'm 'cool'.My next reason I want to become staff is that I love to help people out since I enjoy that. Secondly, I want to become staff because I can have a lot of skills in me for example maturity, being nice, being responsible, Honesty, Racism, etc. I would love to come a bit closer to the community. I love to treat players with respect as I love to be respected. This server has a lot of Potential and I want to be a part of it.

Why should we accept you as staff?:
In my opinion, I should be accepted as a helper because I have many good qualities that will make me fun to work with and an active helper. I hate to see support rooms full and I hate seeing players dying to hackers, I'd like to change this. If I could just help the players day run smoother by helping them on Sage, my work is done.And if I do that, then the senior admins and Developers and even Owner, have more time to concentrate on what's really crucial to the server.People who know me know that I am mature but at the same time know when to have a joke and a laugh, I'm quite an easy going person and I like getting to know new people and talking to new people. However, I know when the time is right to be mature and help players who need it, and at the same time I know when the time is right to be strict and set players straight. I have quite a high tolerance for immature people so I don't get angry quickly and can deal with awkward players. I know how to conduct myself as a staff member on Sage and will represent the server with pride.I know i don't have much experience as a staff member but i would like to become a staff member on a good popular server so i can gain experience from other staff members and i can interact with the community.I would be really active as i have no life.I would like to help players with their issues they have if it is based on players or on bugs I will always do my best to help them out. I would like to become staff because I like the concept of banning hackers, making the server even hacker cleaner and even more playable. Why you should accept me is because I am a very hard working person coming to help a block game. I like that I can chill & have fun with players while I'm doing my job at the same time, And if it doesn't work out then I will change my method of helping out the server and players.As a staff member being honest is vital and I always endeavor to tell the whole truth. Personally honesty and being truthful means a lot to me. I believe that under any circumstance telling the truth is always the better solution. Lying almost always leads to negative outcomes or more lies. As a Staff member you also represent the server, so if you lie it affects you and the community as a whole. In a addition, I am also a very trustworthy person. If you tell me something, My previous experience as a Staff member has shown me the amount of responsibility I would be committing to by being Staff. That is why you can rely on me as a Staff member because I am aware of the responsibility that is required. As Staff I would not only be responsible for myself, but to my duties as Staff and helping people. I also have an adept way of prioritizing my responsibilities and I’ll always hold my responsibility as staff to a high priority. If I become staff I will never purposely let down any players or staff members.I always see people coming in and getting staff and leaving after a week but i have been at sage for months and i'm not going anywhere that's why i a perfect for staff

Other qualities about me

I am very professional when it comes to staffing. I Don't have a lot of staff experience and can work very well and contain myself around players.

Being patient is one of my things im good at, I know it may sound weird but I take my time with everything.

I treat people how I want to be treated. I don't treat anyone any different. I'd like to respect everyone, and I'll do that when around players and staff. I'll wait until someone is done talking to speak, and overall just be polite.

I'd consider myself as mature. I mean, I can be mature when needed but everyone likes to have a little fun right? I will act mature when I am around players and staff. I'll treat each situation as important as the other, and treat everyone equally. I don't be toxic, as I think that toxicity ruins this community.

I'm very trustworthy in my own eyes, and to a few of my other friends. Not only that, but If I'm accepted, I'll prove to you aswell that I can be trustworthy with everything I do. I completely understand that getting staff on any server requires a good amount of trust, and I know for a fact I can bring that to Sage.

Whenever I'm tasked to do something, I focus on that, and only that. I don't get sidetracked midway from doing it. If this gets accepted, I know that I need to help the community over myself, and whenever helping a user, and to not get distracted mid support. I'll try my absolute hardest to help the server.

As a staff member on any server, you must be well familiar with the rules, and how to address them during a certain time to succeed at being staff. I'm well aware of the rules, and if I forget a specific one, I have the Rules forums post bookmarked on chrome / copied on a notebook on my desktop.

Support in Teamspeak / Discord
I know that, from past experience, it can be extremely irritating, annoying, and a time waster to sit in Support Rooms for hours without any assistance. If I get accepted, I'll do my absolute best to help as many players in Teamspeak, and or Discord who need help.

Being able to communicate is absolutely important to becoming a good / successful staff member. It's insanely essential whenever it comes to users who need help, or other staff members who need you for something, or just to talk to you about a certain thing.

I'm extremely active on SagePvP because I genuinely enjoying playing the server.

Can any staff members on the team vouch for you?
unfortunately currently no one can

Additional Information:
Hello my name is Rees, i enjoy playing football(Soccer) in my free time, I also enjoy playing Sage when i can, i would really enjoy becoming staff on a server.I know my application is not long but i'm not really sure what else to say, but i would really enjoy becoming staff and a bigger part off this community. Also my staff application may not be long but at least mines is not copy and pasted unlike most of the other applications.
PLEASE take that into confederation!

As i have been playing sage for a while now i know what the communtiy likes and what would help the community this would give me an advantage over other players that have just joined the server or just want to become staff on a server.
I was a staff member on sage but resigned to play fortnite more but I'm getting back into Minecraft and would like to help again.​
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Known member

Blatant plagiarism
Literally copied my old Staff Application


all these claims are false this is my post from a long time ago when I applied so whoever used it copied mine and I can prove it.
that was from when I got accepted as a staff member


Well-known member
Hello @, thank you for taking the time to apply for a staff position on our network. Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one or more of these reasons;

- Lack of Playtime,
- Plagiarism,
- Immaturity / Toxicity,
- Lack of detail / Experience,
- Failing to meet the requirements.

You will be eligible to re-apply after two weeks. We suggest you take this time to improve your application.