Denied Aceific Staff Application

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IGN: Aceific
Age: 15
Timezone: Central
Country: United States
Do you own a quality microphone? Yes I own SteelSeries Arctis 5
Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?: Yes all 3.
Do you have any previous staff experiences?: Yes On StormPvP, Was A Senior Mod.
Why do you want to become staff?: I want to become staff on SagePvP to help clear the community of people that make the game unfair for the players that play legit and spend a lot of their time playing the server and try to enhance their experience. Also, I want to make the server better than it already is by always helping in ts,discord,and in game as much as possible. I am pretty sure almost everyone hates cheater so do I, cheaters can get really annonying trust me i know, If I was accepted i would do to the best of my ability to ban every cheater/hacker I could to make the server/community a better place.
Why should we accept you as staff? The reason I want to be staff on SagePvP is because I want to make the community a better place and less toxic for the people trying to enjoy the gameplay the server has to offer. Also, I think I am a pretty helpful person and I would be able to devote quite a bit of time on the server helping players.
Can any staff members on the team vouch for you? No.
Additional Information: I am pretty much on all the time because i am a no life.

Scenario 1: A player comes in teamspeak yelling and cursing at me. I would first ask the player what he needed and if he countinued yelling I would ask him kindley to calm down. And if he doesn't calm down I will mute him in ts for a second and let him take a breather then I would unmute him and continue trying to find out what he/she needed help with.

Scenario 2: A staff member is abusing that is higher than me. I would firstly start recording the staff member and tell him to stop. If he didn't stop I would find the highest possible staff member on and get him on as fast as possible then let higher ups deal with it.

Scenario 3: I see a player cheating. I would firstly record the player that is cheating, then I would freeze him and tell him to join teamspeak. And when he join I would ss him (if I am ss verified) and if I found cheats I would ban him for the required amount of time. And if he wasn't cheating I would say sorry to him for wasting his time.
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Established member
+.5 , It's a simple application, You are also a really good, Non-Toxic friend of mine. Some detail can be put in certain areas. Try adding more detail to "Why do you want to become staff" And "Why should we accept you as staff." The color scheme is really easy to notice/read.

Good Luck homie.


+.5 , It's a simple application, You are also a really good, Non-Toxic friend of mine. Some detail can be put in certain areas. Try adding more detail to "Why do you want to become staff" And "Why should we accept you as staff." The color scheme is really easy to notice/read.

Good Luck homie.
Thank you man means alot. I will work on it <3



1) No Detail.
2) Got Friends To +1 The Application.
Idk what ur talking about my friend. I told my friend Decoratings I applied and didnt think he would say anything and he decided to say something how is that wrong?


Idk what ur talking about my friend. I told my friend Decoratings I applied and didnt think he would say anything and he decided to say something how is that wrong?
He +1'd you because he is your friend he even admitted to it.


Established member
Got your friends to give you a +1.
Clearly lacking detail, I don't understand how someone being toxic could possibly relate to the application very much but who am I to comment ?

IF anyone is wondering I'm currently banned from the server for another person buying me a rank and charging back. My application has my friends giving me +1's but had only been a challenge. If you would like to know more information about this go to the off topic forums.​
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