Denied Zellow staff application


IGN (In-Game Name): Zellow_

Age: 17

Region (EU/NA/Other): Im EU gmt+4 so but its almost in the middle of all the time zones so I am really active.

Do you have any previous staff experience?: I only have staffing experience on factions with cannons, but have staff on lots of
different servers for example:
PvPlabs - Mod - mainly just watched the pvp and made sure people
weren't hub glitching or cheating.
Falloutpvp - Sr Admin - I was Sr Admin there for 2 maps after they closed down due to the owner having personal issues, but I mainly handled buycraft and staff applications and did interviews. Also started to learn to config but never really got to do much.
OrbixPvP - Sr Mod - I was there for 12 maps until they sold the server to another owner, and he
didn't do anything with the server so I left. I worked mainly as part of the faction strike team and screen share team. So would be on most of the day watching raids and pvp looking for cheaters or looking for anything illegal.

Why would you like to become a staff member?: I would like to become a staff member because I really like sage and coming from viper and cave its got to be the best (not just saying that to try get staff). All staff are very chill and the server is amazing. But I want to staff here because during the time that im mainly on there is very little to no staff online and all the eu players are getting on for pvp, so I would like to staff due to this because I can be there incase of something like a cheater or someone is cleaning a team fight. I also would like to staff here because you will get my full
cooperation with anything with the server. Im confident as well, so will not hesitate to make the wrong decision, can also screen share really well and have been screen share verified on multiple other servers. But lastly sage has my full interest and only want to make it better for the players. I love hcf a lot and have played it for 2 years now and sadly have never got the chance to staff on any servers. But sage is the one that has really caught my eye. I know everything to do with hcf and know about all the features to do with sagepvp.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: Well I will be very active so that when people are in
TeamSpeak I can move them very quickly and assist them so they aren't waiting for hours to get moved. Im also willing to listen to lots of players if they have suggestions and will move them forward to higher up staff. I will also be on discord a lot more incase people rather ask me questions their, but will always do my best to answer their questions.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? 8 - 9 because im a very honest person and im not saying 10 because
that's a answer that very little to no people would give honestly, I always have been and will always because it makes conversations a lot better and gives trust to other people. But honesty is always the best attribute to have when applying for a job or in this case staff on a server.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: No, I
don't think so.

Additional Information?: I would really like the opportunity to staff on the server. Have a good day!