Denied YouAreWhite's Youtube Application


New member
IGN: YouAreWhite
Youtube Channel:
Amount Of Subscribers: around 700
How many videos do you have on SagePvP? none, but i just started getting back into hcf and i will record on sage, i had hcf videos up but i deleted them all. (they had around 800 views each)
Average amount of views per video: I would say around 600 to 800
Will you be seriously committed to uploading on the server? yes i would.
Why do you want to have the famous / youtube rank on our network: i want to get back into hcf and record, sage looks like a pretty chill/cool server to do that on.


Well-known member
Do you have any proof he viewbots, + yeah he has 651 subs as of now + no videos on sage at all, (that are recent)