Denied Wyling's Staff Application

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Active member


Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Do you have any previous staff experience? (If so, list them below):
HCDreams - Manager & Head Of SS
HCDreams was the first and only server I have managed so far so I learned a lot about how to coordinate a staff team and things like how to write staff documents and give screen share tests. I loved managing HCDreams because it showed me how to not only become a better version of myself but also how to guide others to become a better version of their selves.

HCStatic - Platform Admin & SS Verified/Anticheat Admin
HCStatic was the first server I ever was staff on and I started off dealing with in-game stuff and then I moved to doing ban appeals and media applications. HCStatic is probably the server that I learned how to do the most stuff in staffing from learning the commands to screen sharing and doing ban appeals.

AmberPvP - Admin
I was not staff for very long at AmberPvP as I was transfered from PvPBar to AmberPvP but I had a lot of fun meeting the staff on the server and doing the SOTW that we had.

CentileHCF - Senior Mod & SS Mentor
I learned how to deal with powers on CentileHCF because I was the powers manager and I had a lot of fun settings up factions with there bases and running the map.

PvPBar - Senior Mod & SS Verified
I spent a lot of time on PvPBar because the server was a really good practice server and I was sad to see it close but after it shut down I got transferred to AmberPvP as a admin.

NasaGG - Mod+ & SS Verified
Nasa was one the only server that I did not see as fun. The server was quite dead and I was only staff for about a month before resigning.

HCRival - Mod & SS Verified
HCRival was a good server at the start when I first got staff but then it harder and harder to stay staff on as the management team was changing almost every week, I ended up getting demoted after about 3 weeks of being staff for a false reason. Shortly after I was demoted the manager of the server was demoted aswell.

Why would you like to become a staff member?: There are a lot of reasons why I would love to become apart of the staff team on SagePvP but I will cute it down to just a few reasons. I love helping out other players with day to day problems that they are having because I know that doing something as a small as answering questions can make a big impact on the server. I have been playing SagePvP since 2018 and I have always wanted to become staff but I was never old enough to become staff and when I was I didn't really have the courage to go a server like SagePvP but know that I am mature enough and old enough to become staff I would love to become apart of the staff team. I couldn't think of a better way to share my experience & knowledge then to become a staff member on SagePvP. Honestly, I know that staff can't be online 24/7 but if I were to be accepted I will strive to be online for as much as I can because I love SagePvP and the server has a great atmosphere to be in.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: I believe that I have many qualities that could improve player's experiences and I will list most of them here:

Maturity: I believe that maturity is something very important while staffing be the staff are a kind of like the mascot of the server and if the staff on the server you playing are being immature then I would not want to play that server so I always strive to be on my A game while staffing.

Determination: I have always loved staffing and I am always determined to become a better version of myself for not only myself but also the server I work for.

Activity: Activity is one of the best ways to show your dedication to a server so I strive to be on for at least 2 - 4 hours per day.

Trustworthy: Trust is one the of the most important traits in a staff team so I always make sure that I am able to be trusted by others around me and to know what to do in all staffing situations.

Recording: I always make sure to record my bans, mutes & warnings just encase we need to look back at the footage to make sure everything is correct.

Professional: I am always professional when I am staffing because people are more likely to be honest with you and more applicable to help when you show that you are professional enough to handle it.

Screen Sharing: I have been screen sharing since 2017 and I would say that I have become exceptionally experienced in screen sharing

Team Work: I believe that team work is the key to server success in a lot of cases, I love working with other people to try and help solve day to day problems with other people

Respectful: Respect is something very important to me because I have always been told treat people the way you want to be treated and I have always taken that to heart.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: Headed, R0CE.

Additional Information?:
My average availability after the pandemic:
Sunday: 4 - 8 hours per day
Monday: 2 - 4 hours per day
Tuesday: 2 - 4 hours per day
Wednesday: 2 - 4 hours per day
Thursday: 2 - 4 hours per day
Friday: 3 - 6 hours per day
Saturday: 5 - 10 hours per day​


All your proof was via discord, if you can find some ingame proof I will change to a +1


New member
0.5 (Positive)

- A lot of experience while being a staff member
- Nice application
- Lacking detail in some questions


Active member
Decent, not really too sure how I feel as of now about this... want to see how these conversations evolve and everything.


Active member
Just applied for cave + very immature
Server hopper - was just denied today.
New member / never been on sage.
This is my new forums accounts, I have been a forums member since last march. Also I sorted that out with SimplyTrash
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