Denied wpo's Staff Application || EU - The Netherlands

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Veteran Member
❅ IGN (In-Game Name): ❅

❅ Age: ❅
I am currently 15 years of age. (22-12-2004)

❅ Timezone: ❅
CEST, The Netherlands

❅ Do you have any previous staff experience? (If so, list them below): ❅
1. PvPCore ➳ Senior Mod
The Owners Quit || 20-50 Players (80-100 on SOTW)

PvPCore was most definitely the best server I've been staff on. The staff team was remarkably friendly towards all the staff members and the owner taught me a lot. I still speak to him, and he still assists me with Minecraft related stuff. The manager also taught me a lot about screensharing, professionalism and maturity etc. PvPCore really taught me how to screenshare well. I already knew the basics of screensharing and I could detect a lot of the free clients out there, yet I still had a lot to learn. They taught me some of the best tools out there and sent me strings to search for in a screenshare. This was overall a fabulous server to be staff on and it was pretty disappointing that it eventually shut down.

2. LyberiaMC ➳ Administrator
Resigned || 10-30 Players (40-50 on SOTW)

LyberiaHQ was a bit of a downgrade yet it was still a server with a moderate amount of players. I moved to this server together with the manager on PvPCore. I worked my way up to the Admin role, and he worked his way up to Sr. Mod. We had a pretty good time over at Lyberia, but he eventually discovered that the owner was a DDoSer, IP-Grabber and Scammer. He told me about it and we both decided to resign. It really taught me a lesson; it taught me that even though how nice a person can seem, he/she can still be a bad person.

3. InvadedLands ➳ T-Mod
Resigned || 400-500 Players when I was staff.
Invadedlands, owned by one of the biggest Minecraft YouTubers at the moment. This was a really good staffing experience since it was the first time I was staff on a pretty big server. It wasn't HCF or PotPvP related. It was a KitPvP, Skyblock and Survival server. I was on KitPvP the most, finding cheaters, muting players that were breaking chat rules, interacting with normal players & the staff team & overall just having a good time. I eventually resigned due to the fact that I really didn't enjoy playing MC anymore and I just wanted to take a step back, discover some new games to play and get back into Minecraft when I felt like it again.

I'll list some other servers where I was a staff member.
These servers were less relevant and had less influence on my staffing knowledge, they didn't teach me a lot but I still had a good time!

➳ FutureShadow

Player count: 20-40

➳ CovaliaMC
Sr. Mod
Player count: 10-25

➳ SkyPvP

Player count: 30-45

➳ NovaHCF

Player count: 20-30

Approximately 7 other servers, they didn't really teach me anything and their player count was max. 20.

❅ Why would you like to become a staff member?: ❅
I want to become staff on Sage since I really like the people playing on it. I always try to help as many people as I can and I've made quite some friends off of Sage. I've also noticed that when I'm staff on a server with a smaller player base I don't get the same level of happiness and excitement as I get when I'm staff on a bigger server. I know this brings a lot of responsibilities but I'm fully aware of this and I know that I'm very good at keeping the responsibilities in mind. I always try to get to know the positive side of people which I know every person possesses. Whenever someone PM's me a toxic message I always just reply with a nice message, I just want to make them feel better about themselves and it actually works! I feel like I could add a lot of happiness and excitement to the staff team and I'm always there to talk to people if they need me. I just want to help the Sage community out as much as I can, I know how annoying and frustrating it is to have to wait in a support room for hours. The majority of the staff team is from North America, this means that the EU players will have fewer staff members to support them at certain times of the day. I really just want to assist the staff team and help (grow) the community as much as I can. I will help the players not only through the server itself but I'll also be very active on the Teamspeak, Discord and Forums. I've experienced a lot of rule-breaking on Sage and I just want to end it as much as possible. I honestly believe that I would be a good fit for the staff team. I'm a very active and determined player. Becoming staff makes me happy, it gives me the feeling that I'm appreciated and it also gives me certain responsibilities. Being staff is certainly not easy and can become stressful at times. I'm very good at handling stressful situations and that's very handy when helping people out in support rooms for example. Even the MC chat can become quite frenetic, yet I always stay calm and try to cool down the situation. Being staff just gives me a good feeling and that's positive for me personally and the server, a staff member should always feel good when they're doing something. I feel good when I'm assisting people and I can do it for the entire day without getting bored or annoyed. I know how rule-breaking can worsen the experience of a player since I've been cheated on multiple times. I'm a very communicative person and I just want to make everyone feel welcome. I've seen so many amazing things happen throughout the years of me playing Minecraft and I just want to make Sage players feel the same way as me. I already help a bunch of people on the network if I'm able to answer the question. Becoming a staff member will only boost my knowledge of the server and its capabilities, this gives me the ability to answer way more questions and help even more people. I've been staffing on MC servers for about 4 years now and I think it's time to up my game, Sage is already a big network yet one of my goals is to make it one of the biggest networks in existence (HCF and PvP Related). I'm always willing to answer a question, it doesn't matter on what platform the person tries to contact me. I'm always ready to answer and I try to give the clearest view of the situation as I can. It doesn't matter if it's about the server, the staff team or me personally, I'll always try to give them the clearest view possible. Being a bad staff member will lead to people starting to dislike the server and maybe even limit their playtime to only a few or even zero hours a day. I want to avoid this at all costs, the players determine how the network is doing and without players the server couldn't even exist. Staff members are also of great importance to the server since they try to resolve any disputes and try to ban/mute any rule-breaker(s) there are on the network. They keep the server in check and try to improve the players' experience in any way, shape or form. I think I'm a great fit for Sage's staff team since the only thing I want is to reveal my devotion to the server. I want to make the network grow and make the server a safe haven for players. I know how it feels to need a safe haven somewhere, Minecraft could really help me get the negative thoughts out of my mind and just bring positive vibes and thoughts. Minecraft helped me mentally and physically, sometimes humans just need a place where they feel happy and safe and I want to ensure that Sage is the place to be. I want to make sure everyone is enjoying their time and having fun without having to deal with all of the cheaters and the toxicity. I know this is very hard to get rid of but I believe that I, with the cooperation of the staff team and members themselves, could lessen the cheating and toxicity by a lot. Helper or Admin, I'll always help the players to my fullest extent.

❅ If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: ❅
I believe that there are many reasons for me to be accepted as a staff member and to improve the players' experience. As I've mentioned in ' Why would you like to become a staff member? ', I believe that I'm a great fit and a good applicant for this position. The rest is all listed below.

- Respect -
Showing that your a respectful person is of importance when being a staff member. You have to respect every player no matter if you like them or not. Every person is liked by some people and every person has their ups and downs. Being an overall respectful person is such a great way to live life in my opinion.

- Experience -
I've been present in the PotPvP community for the past 5 years. PotPvP / Minecraft has been a massive part of my life and it has taught me a lot of things. It has helped me to get through the tougher times in life, Minecraft still makes me happy to this day.
I have been staffing on servers for about 4 years.
I have been Managing servers for about 3 years.
I have been Developing servers for about 1 year.
I know a lot about Minecraft and it's origin and I believe that this is very useful when staffing.

- Maturity -
Even though I'm 15, I am very mature. Some people just see fifteen y.o.'s as people that swear the entire day, play COD, eat chips or crisps and shower once a week. Yes, I know some 15 year olds are like that but I am totally different. I have been a mature person ever since I was 13 and I believe that being mature at an early age can only help you in the long run. My parents always taught me to be mature and handle situations as a mature person. I would never scream or fight when I got into an argument, I would just walk away, calm down and walk back. Maturity has only been positive for me so far!

- Honesty -
I feel like being honest is not only important for being a staff member, it's also very important in real life. Honesty is a big part of life since it's so important to be honest against your friends and just humans in general. An honest person is way more trustworthy than a person that constantly lies. People tend to lie about the most stupid reasons. For example, I know a lot of people that don't own up to mistakes they made in the past. Of course, everyone lies at some point but overall, honesty is the best option.

- Multi-Lingual -
I feel like being multilingual comes in handy when you're a staff member on such a big network. Definitely not everyone can speak English so being able to support a player in another language is very useful.

- Friendliness -
Being friendly is such a big part of life and is one of the best traits you can possess. I think I am fortunate to be born friendly and it really sets a good first impression. You can really impress people by being friendly and it also lets you make new friends easier. Friendliness is also good for helping people in support rooms since I won't get frustrated at what they say, I'll try to find a solution no matter what. It really helps you in the long run.

- Professionalism -
Being professional might be the most important part of being a staff member. If you're not professional, you're not a mature nor respectable staff member. Being unprofessional as a staff member can lead up to players leaving the network and having a bad experience whilst playing Sage. However, being a professional staff member can lead up to players playing Sage more often and the community will eventually start to notice your professionalism and respect you more as a staff member.

- Dedication -
Dedication is not only a big part of being a staff member, but it's also very important in real life. Being a dedicated person overall is so useful when you're working on a school project or just working on something overall. Not every person is dedicated to every assignment they get, I am. Once I get an assignment I can't stop until I've finished it. Being a dedicated person overall is of the essence when being a staff member.

- Helpful -
Being helpful is one of the most positive traits I possess. Helping someone out with something makes me so happy since I know that they appreciate the help they are getting from me. Helping a person can be hard sometimes yet as I said in the tab 'Dedication' I never start with something without finishing it. I feel like being a helpful staff member just makes the experience of the players so much better.

- Confidence -
Being confident is essential when staffing. You play a huge role in the experience of the players and being extremely quiet in a support room is not going to help the person. You will have to ask questions and keep the conversation going as a staff member.

It's so vital to be confident whilst staffing, it's of utmost importance to dare to ask higher-ranked staff members or even players the questions you want to ask. I just want to have fun on the server and get to know new people. I always try my hardest when it comes to any assignment, project or even a school essay that I'm given. I was born with the mindset that working hard is very rewarding and I still believe that this is true. Finishing something relieves me and makes me happy. I'll always lead anyone in the right direction, no matter the situation or person. Everyone should be treated with the same amount of respect and everyone deserves the same judgment, no matter their rank or status. Staff members are supposed to be role models for the players and the players are supposed to look up to them. It doesn't matter if I see a Helper, a Mod or an Admin being abusive, I'll always inform higher-ranked staff members about the situation. Being a staff member on a server of this size is most definitely not easy, it takes a lot of time and effort to be a good staff member and I know that I'm up to it.

❅ Can any current staff members vouch for you?: ❅
I don't believe so, no.

❅ Additional Information?: ❅
My name is Finn, I'm a 15 y.o. male currently residing in a village located in the southern part of the Netherlands. My hobbies are: Playing soccer/football, basketball, and video games. Some of my favorite video games are: Rust, Minecraft, Cities: Skylines and Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare. I unfortunately lost the credentials to my old forums account so I had to create a new one. Hence the reason I created the account today. I'll try to implement the feedback you guys give me.
Sincerely, Finn AKA wpo
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Veteran Member

Lot's Of Grammar Mistakes
I've reviewed my application and I did find some parts that I could improve, so I did. There were close to zero grammar mistakes tho, I put it into a grammar checker and it was absolutely fine yet there were some mistakes with my punctuation which I fixed immediately
Sincerely, Finn



Good application and has a lot of detail.
Way too many grammatical mistakes and use interpunction.
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