Denied Wagone Staff Application [EU]

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New member
IGN: Wagone

Age: 16

Timezone: GMT

Country: United Kindom

Do you own a quality microphone? Yes

Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?: Yes​

Do you have any previous staff experiences?: Yes I have a few past staff experiences some of them were decent servers.

HC Factions: I was a Senior-Admin. On here i learnt more advanced commands such as /co rollback <r:> <t:> <p:>. Also It was a decent server a couple years ago, but i resigned due to the fact that the server was getting boring. However the server was reaching 100-250 players daily.

Skrilla MC: This was a server which was owned by one of my close friends which was closed down due to insignificant funds and neither of us could provide them. However, the server had a decent amount of players for quite a while then it died and then caused the server to shutdown. On this server I was Co-Owner and in which I helped with the coding of the server, adding plugins and custom commands etc.

HC Factions: I was a Senior-Admin, then promoted to Owner. On here i learnt more advanced commands such as /co rollback <r:> <t:> <p:>. The server was owned by AllenCC it was hitting around 200+ players a day, the server stayed alive for about 4-7 months, in which it was going very well. But the owner quit minecraft and decided not to play or have anything to do with it which he gave the server. I kept the server up and running for another 4 months and the 200+ players a day persisted.

Prime MC: Prime MC was one of my friends server, it was mainly based on kitmap ( 3 years ago ) which i was Mod+ on. The server had a variation between how many players were playing the server each day but it was mainly above 100 players. I first learnt how to screen-share and deal with players who were cheating. I was staff on there for about 3 months, i resigned due to the fact me and my friend fell out and I didn't want to contribute to the server anymore.

Hysteria Factions: This was one of the first Faction servers I was staff on, I was a helper and then moved up to trial-mod, I mainly dealt with people who needed help on the server such as bugs, rollbacks and basic issues. I was staff for 2 months and I had purchased the top rank which was about £45.

Why do you want to become staff?: I feel like HCF is extremely boring now, I have played it for years and it's very repetitive and time consuming and feels dry for me one of my friends ( Wimpus ) told me that he was staff on here and mentioned that I should try applying for staff here knowing that there may be a chance for me to get accepted. Another reason is that I love helping people, especially when it comes to people who are new to the server and not very familiar with the HCF community and how things work. I enjoy being staff because I know that I can help people out and remove people who cheat from the server and I know how it feels when a staff member doesn't do their job correctly and it is frustrating to receive help from a staff member where you have to wait a while and they turn out to be quite rude and not useful at all.I have many good qualities that will make me fun to work with and an active helper. I hate to see support rooms full and I hate seeing players dying to hackers, I'd like to change this.

Why should we accept you as staff?: I have quite a few reasons to why you should accept me to become a staff member:

Maturity: People who know me know that I am mature but at the same time know when to have a joke and a laugh, I'm quite an easy going person and I like getting to know new people and talking to new people. However, I know when the time is right to be mature and help players who need it, and at the same time I know when the time is right to be strict and set players straight. I have quite a high tolerance for immature people so I don't get angry quickly and can deal with awkward players. I know how to conduct myself as a staff member on Sage and will represent the server with pride.

Ambition: I always aspire to do the best I can in whatever I find myself doing. When I was previously staff on previous servers I took pride in the work I did and did it to a very good standard. Being ambitious serves me well in a staff position as it drives me to not settle for something that isn't done properly.

Patience: I’m very patience and calm person. I always to stay quiet and listen to people when they are trying to communicate with me and explain their issues. I always give people give to explain themselves and to explain the situation so I can assess what I have to do next in the best way possible.

Respect: I am very respectful of everyone. This trait would be used every day as I will constantly be interacting with other players and staff members and will need to act respectfully towards them.

Work Ethic: I feel like I have a great worth ethic, although the age of 15, I believe I have the experience, maturity and the hard-working personality and I think I would fit in great with the staff team and get along.

Fair: I am very fair when it comes to staffing as I never pick a side until I have heard the whole story, I handle every single situation fairly and without being biased to friends or people that could be known in the community.

Can any staff members on the team vouch for you? Wimpus​

Additional Information: I'm pretty cool​


Known member
I don't understand how this gets accepted and mine doesen't :c
You know sometimes you don’t get staff on servers you really love I have been there but my tip is don’t give up if u really feel like u have the advantages to be staff then either try again and if u have to wait then try wait it out until u can re apply I believe everyone deserves a second chance at everything u got this <3


Well-known member
You know sometimes you don’t get staff on servers you really love I have been there but my tip is don’t give up if u really feel like u have the advantages to be staff then either try again and if u have to wait then try wait it out until u can re apply I believe everyone deserves a second chance at everything u got this <3

i love this quote from Dollar this is so true
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