Denied vTech367's Application

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IGN: My current IGN is vTech367
Age: I am 15 years old. (Freshman in High School)

Timezone: My time zone is Est. Standard

Country: United States of America

Do you own a quality microphone? Yes, a blue snowball.

Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?: I do, my discord is vTech367#3192 and my telegram is @vTech367.

Do you have any previous staff experiences?: I have 4 main major staff experiences 2 of which are HCF. My first ever time being a staff was on a OP Factions server, Kinetic Factions, as a mod. This position required me to assist players with in game issues, ban cheaters, and help out with plugin configs. The second major staff experience which I am currently staff on is Wicked PvP. My current position on this server is Helper. Since the server is releasing in a few months my job currently is to interact in the discord, assist players who have questions, and try to get as many players to join as possible. If SagePvP does accept me as a staff I will be resigning from WIcked PvP. My third major staff experience was also on a HCF server called MiragePvP which averaged a minimum of 50 players a day in the beginning but soon shut down due to less players joining which resulted in the server not being able to be paid. My role on MiragePvP was Mod+. My role on this server was to screen share players, assist players with in game issues and also blacklist, mute, warn, and ban players who were breaking the rules. My third staff experience was on a server of my own called Blazing Factions. This server ran for over 4 months doing really well and averaging a minimal of 30 players a day. Just like MiragePvP the server started to die out and it sadly shut down later on. Since I was owner on this server and I owned it my job was very simple. My job was to interact with the community and try the best I could to make the server more fun for everyone. Even though I was owner I still banned, warned, blacklisted, and muted people disobeying rules.Owner was definitely one of my favorite staff experiences.

Why do you want to become staff?: I want to become staff on SagePvP to grow as a staff member and maybe learn new things on the way. I love SagePvP as I have seen numerous videos from your partner's and youtuber's. It would be my dream to play on a server I love and help other players enjoy the server as much as I do. I also want to become a staff member on SagePvP to use my previous staff experiences and use them towards the server. Since I have been Mod, Mod+, helper, and Owner I know the difference over right and wrong. I know the difference between a player who is not playing legitimately and playing legit.

Why should we accept you as staff?: You should accept me as a staff because of my 3 main traits: Responsibility, Maturity, and Knowledge. My first trait Responsibility is a key part in why should accept me as a staff because it tells the owner that I will do my job and get it done no matter what. Depending on the challenge I am willing to do it because it is my job. My second trait Maturity also comes in very important. I am in a lot of discord, skype, teamspeak, and telegram calls. My maturity tells me when to be joking around and when to be serious and professional. My maturity allows me to be professional in calls with players in assistance and other staff members. You should also accept me because of my most important trait: Knowledge. Knowledge is a key part in being a good staff member and I have this trait. Having knowledge, like I said in the previous section, allows me to tell the difference between right and wrong and a legit or not legit players. My knowledge also allows me to adapt and learn new things on the road of being a staff member.
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New member
All of you which have been -1 my app because I am still staff on WickedPvP, if I get accepted to SagePvP I have made the decision to resign from WickedPvP.

Thank you for your feedback,
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