Denied Varsityz staff app

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IGN: Varsityz

Age: 14 turning 15 In April

Timezone: GMT +1

Country: Denmark

Do you own a quality microphone? Yes I do.

Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?: Yes I have all of those, you can contact me for them.

Do you have any previous staff experiences?:
I do not have any proof of being staff on Breach but I was Helper for around 2-3 weeks until I got tired and quit 100-200 players daily

PvpAcademy: 20-40 Players daily
No proof but can contact the owner DennisStrafe for proof to show I was a moderator on it, quite a small server but a nice experience and learned a few stuff.
Zelux was an EU HCF / practice server where I was a trial mod on for a bit of time until I resigned. I mostly played practice on Zelux as the HCF part was not as big at the time. It helped me learn a lot of commands needed for being staff on an HCF / Practice server and that has generally taught me all needed for being a helper/trial mod

I have been staff on other servers but I do not really count them because they were generally small with at max 50 players and it was around 2017-18 (new pc so no proof) in all these servers have given me a lot of experience and knowledge in playing MC and staffing on here. I am also sorry for my lack of evidence as all I can have are vouches or discord pms since I don't usually take screenshots of me being staff on servers.

Why do you want to become staff?: I want to become staff on Sage to help the community out. Sage is a rising and growing Minecraft servers with new players daily and I want to be there to support it. I admit I have not been the most active player on SagePvP but that is what I am starting to change. There can be a lot of different players in Minecraft which there are, but I want to prove that you can change the way people act just by treating them properly. I have been a player and I am a player so I know how a lot of us think. That gives me a big advantage in being staff because it opens new possibilities for me to talk to players and hopefully help them in the best way possible. As a staff member, I can deal with all types of players including toxic players, players threatening each other and all other types.
I also want to become staff because I think I am well suited given my past experiences which are very different. I can handle all types of players like I have previously stated and that would be able to help the server vastly and improve the community a lot.

Why should we accept you as staff?:
Like I said above, I think I should be accepted as staff because of how I am able to handle situations and deal with different types of players. This all gives me a huge boost in staffing and would help a lot.

My maturity helps me in a lot of situations as a 14 year old. Instead of freaking out and panicking at stuff I dont know how to deal with, I will deal with it calmy and maturly. I will not mess around with people in support rooms and abuse in game and that helps me a lot.

My dedication to Sage as a staff member will be my number one priority. I can play up to around 5 hours on weekdays and 8 hours on weekends depending on what I am doing which comes to show in the long run. It will give me a lot of time to learn new stuff and punish rule breakers on the server.

I am able to record everything I need to. Currently on my PC I have, GeForce experience which allows me to record the past 10 minutes, OBS and StreamLabs which all allow me to record whenever and whereever I want to on SagePvP.

If I become staff on SagePvP, I will not be scared to speak my mind. If I feel something is wrong on the server, or I know a specific staff member is abusing, I will be truthful about it and not lie to risk my staff role being removed. I take staff very seriously and I think being truthful is a big part of it. I will obviously not run into teamspeak and shout at admins or the owner and complain, but rather I will talk with one of them and tell them if I feel something should be changed.

As a staff member, being unbiased is a huge thing. Lets say one of my friends is on a VPN and hacking, I will not laugh with them in a discord call and let them since it ruins the fun for others. My priority on Sage is to make sure everyone has fun and that would ruin it. If I am friends with someone I will not abuse for them, roll them back or whatever unless they have sufficient proof.

Additional Information: If there are any spelling mistakes, please feel free to tell me as English is not my first language and I apologize before hand. Feel free to leave all the comments you want and I hope my age does not bother you.


Active member

-Lack of detail
-Lack of effort.
-Add proof of previous staff experiences.

Good luck!

Regards, Mentorius.



Add some more detail in the, "Why should we accept you as staff?:" section. Let us see a bit more of what you can really do for the server, what you have to offer the community and the staff team.
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