Denied vapoh's Staff Application

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Active member




Do you own a quality microphone?
Yes i do

Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?:
My Telegram-@Tapped1 My Discord-1Tap#6763 My Teamspeak-1Shoted

Do you have any previous staff experiences?
Yes i have been staff on multiple servers like: RivalHCF as an Manager Admin on AtlanticFactions and UraniumPvP. (

Why do you want to become staff?:
I believe I should become staff on here for the number of skills and dedication I could bring here too. I want you to trust me and get to know me and believe I can get a staff position. Because things i have done on SagePvP network was bad and i want to show good and i could bring my skills and dedication towards SagePvP and i want to have a chance to show that i can do good not just bad. I would like to have new start on SagePvP.All around I know I'm not perfect, but I think I am applicable enough to be on the team. I will dedicate my personal time on the server that maybe other Staff Members can't. I always try my best to get rid of the rule-breakers. Also, I have been taught to handle tough situations.

Why should we accept you as staff?
I think SagePvP management team should accept me because i would put my dedication towards SagePvP.I am always really dedicated to whatever I am doing, this means I can be online till late hours since I have noticed that late at night there is not a lot of staff online. I will work as hard as I can and try to impact the community and be active on the server.I have been on multiple servers staff and know how it goes when you are staff. I have worked with many different people and can get along with others really easily which will make everything go a lot easier.

Can any staff members on the team vouch for you?
I am Personally New to SagePvP i could only think of 2 staff members which is Botings and Twqntys
Additional Information
Thank you for taking time to read my application, please leave a rating (+1, 0, -1) and things what I could still work on to make my application better
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Known member
- 1

Lack of detail


Not meeting requirements


Asking people to rate (1+) your application
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Known member
- 1

Lack of detail


Not meeting requirements


Asking people to rate (1+) your application
Agreed (I just want to say Austin you are very active and contributing to the managers decisions and giving reply’s to ALL the staff apps. hope you get staff sometime you are good!) <—— Others ignore ?


Known member
Agreed (I just want to say Austin you are very active and contributing to the managers decisions and giving reply’s to ALL the staff apps. hope you get staff sometime you are good!) <—— Others ignore ?

Oh well, thanks! I actually got set Pending for an interview ;).
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