Denied UrTragic Staff Application


New member
IGN (In-Game Name):



15 (By the time you see this)

Region (EU/NA/Other):


Do you have any previous staff experience?:

Yes, I have had staff experience but on a server that had some players but very few.
the server names are Warpvp - Admin ( mic is very bad in that video i have got a new mic since then
) FlameHcf - Sr - Mod
I am also familiar with screen sharing such as process hacker 2 using Pcaclient (The basic things) am willing to learn even more

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

As I was staffing on small servers I have ran into countless hackers and that has taught me what to look for when spectating a player

I would like to become a staff member because I would like to help other staff catch cheaters and assist the community when needed

If I saw anything weird/sketchy from a higher-up staff member I would take a clip and report it to an even higher staff member

as a sage player, I know how frustrating it can be to have to wait forever in the general waiting room so I will try my best to move as many people as I can and always try my best to help them the best I can.

I still currently playing HCF myself so I know all the rules and I have great HCF knowledge and experience.

I have quite a high tolerance for immature people so I don't get angry quickly and can deal with awkward players.

I will be very dedicated to being a staff member

And recently I have found myself getting bored of HCF and am willing to help people with my knowledge of HCF

I would like to stop the spammers, hackers, cheaters, griefers from causing harm to players or the server

I also screen shared people on warpvp but had to delete the recording due to the person getting my IP and showing it

I am incredibly mature and I know how to act in different scenarios and when to react

I am also up to date with all the rules in an HCF and staffing sense.

I have a good mic and it is very clear and you will be able to tell what I am saying

I also have a very clear understanding of moderating an HCF server

I can spend 35+ hours a week

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I will improve an HCF players experience by moving in TeamSpeak as soon I notice that a player has joined the waiting room because I know how frustrating to wait in TeamSpeak for a long time

I will also improve their experience by always trying my best to help them in TeamSpeak

I would like to help players with their issues If it is based on players or on bugs I will always do my best to help them out.

And I know that action should only be taken with sufficient proof

I will treat every person the same no matter what the name or rank

It is just a game and everyone should enjoy it.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

I would rate my honesty an 8 - 9.5 because you don't gain anything from lying

As a staff member, you also represent the server, so if you lie it affects you and the community

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)


Additional Information?:

My telegram is banned right now but I am trying to get it unbanned My discord is NoSignals#2675

thank you everyone for reading my application. If anything is missing or anything wrong please let me know down below. Thanks a lot!​
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