Denied UnknownPlus Staff Application [US]

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Do you own a quality microphone?

Yes (Blue SnowBall)

Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?:


Do you have any previous staff experiences?:

NoxPvP [Mod+] Proof |

ExaltPvP [Admin] Proof |

Why do you want to become staff?:

I wanna make sure that Sage won't have any hackers that would make the Sage community boring and annoying for people having to get in Teamspeak to get revived every time they die to a hacker on HCF or losing some OP stuff to a hacker and I have experienced both and It honestly sucked so I want to make sure that no hackers or exploiters get on Sage and make the community boring.

Also, I find SagePvP a place to actually enjoy HCF and chill around with your friends so I just want to help the community with anything and I want to answer as many questions as they want help find bugs/exploits and report it. Sometimes with friends on HCF, we mess around a bit and then get all serious again and help out the community, along with obviously not being abusive or toxic towards the players or ignore any players that need help and just keep doing my thing. Also, one important thing that I focus on is, I look at TeamSpeak every 5-10 mins to make sure no one is waiting in TeamSpeak for help and wait for a long time as I have seen a lot of people waiting for many hours.

I also would be active on the server and the Teamspeak to make sure no one needs help with any type of thing whether he was insided or hacked on. I also would make sure no one is abusing any glitch I also sometimes say in chat "If you need my help come in TeamSpeak" or "If you want to ask me a question, you can PM me or use /helpop", I will continue to say that to make sure no one spams chat for help or spam /helpop for help. I'd also work hard on my Job because this is a serious job and you need to work carefully and actually try to be helpful and try to make the community a better place for everyone and I am going to make sure that I do my job smoothly and not in a rush.

I want to become staff because of how much I love the server and the community and the things that I can do that can make Sage a safe and more fun place. I love to play HCF with my friends on big servers like MineHQ. I always see Hackers everywhere I go someones b hopping on SOTW down road dying to them contently and staff not doing anything about it in game. Then you have to go to Teamspeak where all the staff ignores you. I want to make sure that doesn't happen and if I miss it I will always be there to help in Teamspeak. I love helping people and working I know it's not a real job but I will always treat it like one I take everyone's needs seriously so they can have the best experience on Sage and hopefully make it grow more. I love the aspect of being able to help people it makes me feel good about myself knowing that I helped someone and made there day a little bit better/ easier. Also making sure everyone's concerns/ Questions will always be answered. I love dealing with a lot of people even if it could take hours as long as I get the job done. Another reason is that of time-zones. There are a lot of different people logging in from around the world and a lot of them take advantage of that because of staff times so really early in the morning when people could be trying to farm they would cheat and I don't want that to happen. I love the server in general how much time and effort all the staff put time into the server and I hope I could do that too. The Owner how much time and effort he also puts into making the server better and trying to make it a better place and more enjoyable. I'll always be there too I don't give up I'll be there for the whole ride the bumpy times the hard times the good times and the alright times. I won't give up and i’ll try my best make it better constantly.

The rest is at the bottom of this application
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Active member
- Chill
- Structure is better
- Good detail
- Dude ima cry if I don't see him in the team
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Active member
Why should we accept you as staff?:

I would like to be a member of the staff team as staffing is genuinely what I enjoy doing in Minecraft. I would love to be staff to help out the players of the server. I will be very active because this is the best server that I have ever played on.

I want to become staff because I love helping out other players on the server So that they want to keep playing on the server and not have to worry about when they're going to be moved in Teamspeak.

I take pride in making sure that the players have the best time on the server and I consider it a failure on my behalf if a player has a bad time. I want to become staff because It's the only thing I do on Minecraft. Ever since I resigned from SylphHCF I pretty much haven't opened Minecraft once since moderation and administration Is the only thing I do on this game, It's the only thing I still find fun In the game, I want to be a part of something new and build a nice and better community. I Would Like To Be accepted for staff simply because I know I can do a good job and help out players in need. I've wanted to to be staff on a good server since. SagePvP and this seems like a wonderful opportunity. I am super efficient and think I could really help out the Sage network. I will spectate players and see if they are hacking or modding. I remember Good memories of HCF servers and lately, I haven't been having much fun on servers due to hackers and a toxic community. I want to make the community better. so everyone can be happy and have fun. Removing Advertisers from the networking- I know this is a big thing on a somewhat smaller server because they have less staff on it so its easier for them to Advertise because they won't get banned as quick as on bigger servers.

You should pick me over someone else because I feel like I have a lot of experience in Screensharing (without a tool) and I can also do staff management, system management. I also know people that do website designs and also someone who does hosting.

I know a lot about HCF and KitMap, and I think that I could contribute to the community as well as server-side. I'm respectful of people who are respectful towards me.

If someone decides to come in Teamspeak shouting I will do my best to calm them down and help them resolve the problems that they want help with.

And I would say that I am quite a good friend of a lot of the staff. I hang around in Teamspeak a lot of the time, I usually just talk with the staff on different kinds of subjects, and someone told me that I should apply because I am already helping the community and staff out pretty good.

I'm not the most active on the forums though, but I'm planning on making myself a quite active member of the forums in the future. It would be fun being a part of the lovely staff team that is SagePvP staff team, I already know so many of the people in it.

I feel like I could fit in the server's staff team pretty well as I have been staff on various big servers in the past and I see no problem with fitting into the staff team that they have today. I think that I am a pretty professional staff member and I have 4+ years of experience on small and big servers.

I think that it’s coming to a point in time where I have been staff on more big servers than smaller servers. I just generally think that I would fit in perfectly into the staff team because of my extent of staffing experience. I would love it if you could leave some feedback telling me what I could improve on this application and I will try my best to edit it as most as I can.

I'm trying my best writing this application, so hopefully, I get a lot of nice comments. I hope you can leave ratings that would explain your rating, and I hope I don’t just get -/+1 with no comment added. I want to know why you rated me.

Maturity - I understand how to act around players in the game and in TeamSpeak. I do not insult other players or try to start a 'Riot' in chat ever. I know that players will attempt to annoy you sometimes, it is a given on Minecraft, but I won't let it affect me and I will not reply with any rude remarks or even reply at all unless they are asking a question.

Also, I can spectate a reported player and answer questions in the game or in Teamspeak at the same time.

Consideration - I am not an unfair person. I will consider both players arguments in a story and then analyze both points to decide what action I should take, I will never make any quick decisions to get something out of the way.

Bias - I will never favor my friend or a player I like over a player that I don't like. I will treat everyone fairly and give everyone the same treatment. I will make sure that no unfair judgments are made and that the correct action is taken place.

Lazy - I am not lazy and I refuse to slack, I enjoy what I do and I believe it would be wrong to have a member on the staff team who ignores players occasionally. I will always try my hardest to solve problems and make sure they are properly resolved.

Rules - I obey the rules and do my best to enforce them. If a player breaks the rules I will punish them accordingly. I will also make sure that they understand they are breaking a rule so they don't do it again.

Communication - I have a working microphone that does not sound bad (blue snowball), I have discord, Skype, Teamspeak, and telegram.

Screenshotting - I have Gyazo so I can easily screenshot something if needed.

Social - I enjoy talking to other players in chat and getting to know people, I will never ignore a player if they need me for actual help or even just someone to talk to.

Loyalty - I am very loyal to servers I staff on if they treat me well I will try my best to repay them by keeping the community clean, however, I won't be treated like a dog at the same time. On previous servers where I have been a member of the staff, if I see corruption or disrespect towards me or any other member of staff from a higher up member of staff I will alert the owners or staff managers, if they don't do anything I will not let myself be pushed around, I doubt this will happen with SagePvp though!

Teamspeak - In TeamSpeak I am calm with regular players and I am always polite. I never disrespect other players and I always try to be as helpful as I can when in support rooms.

Dedication - When I am given a staff role on any server, I am always willing to dedicate every single minute I can to the server. If I do get promoted, I will completely stop playing on other servers and tunnel one hundred percent of my focus to this server!

Team Work - When I am on any team, in Minecraft or anything for that matter, I always listen to other people and consider their opinions before I make my decisions.

When I am in a call with another staff member, screen sharing a player, for example, I am not loud and controlling. I would give the staff member who is screen sharing what I think he/she should do and if I am not trying to solve a problem, normally I won't even speak at all.

Active - I am very active the only time I am not active is when I am on a trip or when I have a have a school test coming up then I would let the staff manager know.

Nice to players - I am nice to players I am not toxic nor am I rude to players and I have a lot of past experience with helping players and not being toxic to the players on the server.

Recording - I have an ok PC so I will be able to record all bans and I will keep them on me until otherwise.

Additional Information:

Monday | 4-5 Hrs

Tuesday | 4-5 Hrs

Wednesday | 4-5 Hrs

Thursday | 4-5 Hrs

Friday | 6-8 Hrs

Saturday | 9-10 Hrs

Sunday | 5-6 Hrs

Discord | UnknownPlus#7652
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