
New member
Today we got set raidable unfairly, we were at a base, we had 4.5 total DTR, 2 of my teammates jumped in their faller and i abused to get 1 of my teammate to the top. If they both died we would be 2.5 (if staff punished instantly), but instead took them about 15/20 minutes and in those minutes we were still fighting and pvping, after we went 1 dtr we got banned for abuse and set raidable, after going ts and speaking with staff they told us that they waited a bit of time cause couldn't ban him outside, but well i have a video where you can clearly see that during this time my teammate was in base for about 8 times, but still they decided to ban us while 1 dtr, and set us raidable.
I don't feel like it's fair since its not our fault if staff was slow into doing it and choosed a moment when we had 1 dtr.
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