Denied Undone's Staff Application

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New member
What is your current IGN (in-game name): Undone.
How old are you: 21.
Are you fluent in English: It's the one and only language I know.
What region are you from (NA/EU/AS/AU): NA
What is your Discord & Telegram: Tele is UndoneMC / Discord is inabetterplace
Do you have any past staff experience (include proof, explain your roles & responsibilities): Don't have proof but you can ask around, I was Mod on ElevateMC for a good bit, and I handled bans/voids/mutes.
Why do you want to be a staff member: To clean up the streets.
What makes you better than other applicants: I'm so goated.
How active can you be per day: Being that I have a job, I'm always on later nights.
Can any current staff members vouch for you: Halo, Tampa
Are you willing to learn to screenshare: I'm always interested in learning new things.
Anything else you would like us to know: Nope, that sums up my application.


Staff Manager
Unfortunately, we will not be moving on with your staff application at this time.

Feel free to re-apply in 2 weeks.
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