Denied Understudies


New member
↬ IGN (In-Game Name): Understudies

↬ Age: 17, 18 5th february

↬ Region (EU/NA/Other): EU

↬ Do you have any previous staff experience?:

Yes, not on minecraft though.


Admin - SS verified

↬ Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I would love to become a staff member because I have previous experience as a high up and hard working staff member on Rust. It was a great experience so I would love to do it again. If you want to know, the reason I resigned was because they made me sign a contract, made me uncomfortable when the guy that had my ID pic and also my signed contract left the network. I left shortly after and I still miss the fun times I had.

↬ If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:


I feel like integrity is an important feature to have as a staff member because as a staff member you need to be honest and have high morals so you don't use your powers differently to every member.


I am a very calm person because I don't have a care in the world about what other people think of me or what they say to me, it's their own opinion and I feel like everyone should be able to have one.


Maturity is important because you always represent the server as a staff member and if you act immature in vc support the players won't be able to take you seriously.

Hardworking and a grinder mentality is important in my opinion because you would be able to work fast and productive and always be able to help the players as fast as possible.

As I said I have previous experience in other games and whenever someone felt mistreated and felt like their tickets/vc support was handled in a bad manner I always spoke to them and told them exactly how it is. I'm straight up towards all players which is a good thing because no one wants the bullshit explanations like "Sorry but we cant do anything about it" with no reason beyond that.
I also think I could improve players' experience as I am always quick on my feet and I think creatively when a new situation has happened. I also think its worth to think through players pov and not only from what staff can see. It's good to watch from players pov as they would see it differently than we would.

↬ If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

8/10 I am always trying to be as honest as possible but everyone tells a white lie in their life. I always try to be as honest with players because if staff isn't honest with them there is no way they can ever trust the staff team.

↬ Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

↬ How active can you be (Hours per day):

5 hours
Tuesday: 6 hours
Wednesday: 7 hours
Thursday: 4 hours
Friday: 4 hours
Saturday: 8 hours
Sunday: 7 hours

↬ What is your telegram @?:

BIGBIGCOCK, yes I know I just couldn't be bothered thinking out a good one.

↬ What is your discord @?: RC#0103

↬ Additional Information (optional)?:

Yes, I would like to tell you about my previous statement of me being a high up member in a staff team on rust. I was a rust admin for Atlas rust, we had 500-1000 players every time the server reset. As an admin on their network I did everything you can imagine, I did tickets, spectating ingame, vc help and screenshares or as they call it on rust script checks, so I have previous experience with screenshares and I think that's a great feature to have as a staff member.
I would also like to say that I'm not the greatest at making applications but I always have a grinder mentality so I always prove myself when it comes to ingame and vc support.

Please give me constructive criticism so I can have a higher chance of getting accepted.

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- Asking people to +rep his application.
- Can't communicate properly with others.
- Doesn't understand english very well.
- User has no experience when it comes to minecraft
- Swearing with hard r while being white.


New member

- Asking people to +rep his application.
- Can't communicate properly with others.
- Doesn't understand english very well.
- User has no experience when it comes to minecraft
- Swearing with hard r while being white.
View attachment 3093 View attachment 3094View attachment 3095
havent asked anyone
I speak perfect english
no experience doesnt mean bad
The guy thinks he is the shit cuz he doxes people, I dont care if u accept me but if u accept this guy then u might aswell leave a mark on the staff team that anyone is allowed.


havent asked anyone
I speak perfect english
no experience doesnt mean bad
The guy thinks he is the shit cuz he doxes people, I dont care if u accept me but if u accept this guy then u might aswell leave a mark on the staff team that anyone is allowed.
"I speak perfect english"
"if u accept this guy then u might aswell leave a mark on the staff team that anyone is allowed."

also all i did was search up your past igns after u started calling me the n word and started trashtalking


New member
"I speak perfect english"
"if u accept this guy then u might aswell leave a mark on the staff team that anyone is allowed."

also all i did was search up your past igns after u started calling me the n word and started trashtalking
said my name in chat on sage, got muted and bought and unmute. SKILL ISSUE THAT
"I speak perfect english"
"if u accept this guy then u might aswell leave a mark on the staff team that anyone is allowed."

also all i did was search up your past igns after u started calling me the n word and started trashtalking


havent asked anyone
I speak perfect english
no experience doesnt mean bad
The guy thinks he is the shit cuz he doxes people, I dont care if u accept me but if u accept this guy then u might aswell leave a mark on the staff team that anyone is allowed.
I don't think you should apply as a staff member if you are not professional and definitely not mature