Denied uan's Staff Application


New member
IGN (In-Game Name):
Region (EU/NA/Other):
EU (GMT +1)
Do you have any previous staff experience?:
Helper on OkiMC | Resigned (Factions)
Moderator on SirenCraft | Resigned (Factions)
Manager on FalloutPvP | Server closed (Factions)
Moderator on XeroPvP | Server closed (HCF)
Senior Moderator on GiroHQ | Resigned (HCF)
Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I decided to apply on SagePvP since it's the server I enjoy playing on. I love HCF and so I started playing again but I like staffing more than just regular playing for some reason. I'd really love it if I would get the chance to prove myself and I sure will if I get the chance. I've talked to several staff members and they all seem nice and would love to work with them as well. I want everyone on SagePvP to have a pleasant / best experience possible and make them feel like they belong here on SagePvP and make it their second "home". I want to grow along with the server and expand my knowledge about staffing doing so. I think SagePvP has great potential in becoming the biggest HCF server. Helping other people has always been a thing I enjoy doing and always will. I love helping people smile because I've been through a hard time myself. I'm also (almost) always home and ready to help people in-game and also in support rooms, I'm very active and studious as well, and as I already said I love helping people in general. I'm a very kind person and I learn very quickly, I can work with practically anyone even if it's someone I don't really know. I can also deal with all kinds of stressful situations and will always stay professional and respectful towards everyone. You can always talk to me and give me feedback, I love to improve my skills and fix problems. I always listen and pick things up really quickly. When you need anything or are feeling down because of something you can always talk to me and I will try to help you the best I can, you can always trust me. I work very hard every day to be the best me, and I will do the same to prove myself and achieve a higher rank. I'm very mature and that's a really important thing as well, I will always be honest and tell you the truth since I've been taught since I was little. I also am very organized which helps me be in all kinds of situations. I am an extremely loyal person and will never betray someone, and I would love to expand my knowledge about staffing in general, and SagePvP seems like the best server to do so. I am also bilingual which means I can speak 2 different languages fluently, which are English and Dutch. I know a lot of players are Dutch as well which will help me communicate with a bigger amount of people since I know some people aren't really comfortable talking a different language to other people who know the language very well.
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
As stated already, I'm very helpful and love making people smile in general. I am very mature, and not a child, I know when it's time to "work" and when to make jokes, I work hard and as good as possible. I try to correct every little mistake I make and never act unprofessionally in situations where you have to act professionally. I work very hard as I already stated to achieve my goals in life and never get tired of my job, I'm always online and happy to help anyone and spend a lot of time helping the server. I respect everyone and respect everyone's opinions, I can take criticism and I will always reflect on myself with the given criticism, and improve myself every day to be the better me. I'm also a very dedicated person and will always strive to achieve my goals, skills, and many other things. I also try to be as confident as possible every day and work as hard as possible. I understand that I don't have the most experience ever, but I believe that I can learn a lot from you guys and with some help become a very good staff member. I also really enjoy doing my job which is also something very important for me, so enjoying my job = more motivation. And speaking of motivation, I have a LOT. I will never lose my motivation to become a better me and understand that I can get blamed and hated because I punished someone, but this does not affect me. Toxicity is a very big problem on HCF, I want to bring more people to HCF and show them how fun this game mode really is. But HCF isn't the easiest game mode to master and the toxicity doesn't make it easier. Which makes me really sad watching HCF die pretty much. This means I try to correct toxic people as much as possible and talk to them and make them calm down to see what they did wrong so they can start working on themselves, I have been toxic aswell at the beginning of HCF this was because I wasn't very mature and I improved myself a lot since then, this is also the reasoning behind my old application being denied, I have changed and hope to get a chance to prove that. I don't really get affected at all by toxicity but I know people who do, so I want to make them see that as well. I am not toxic, but I can get pissed off of course, but if I do get pissed off. I will just go outside for a minute and calm down and come back later. But don't worry, I don't get pissed off really easily at all. I'm also a very trustworthy person and you can always trust me with any secret, and I will never expose the truth nor you. Abusing is a different story which I don't support, so if that's something you tell me I will of course gather proof and show a higher up because it's not fun for other people to abuse when people just like to play a game and spend money on for example. But you can trust me and never betray anyone. I also think trust is a very vital thing to have with other staff members/players to achieve the goal of being a nice community. And as stated already I'm extremely active which will also help me get to know players better during the time they play and in support rooms. I'm very reliable and players can always message me with any questions, I'm here to help and improve. I've also been an HCF player for a long time so I really understand how the game works and what different things mean. I'm responsible and will never back off from my problems/mistakes but instead try and improve myself to be the better me in the future and apologize to anyone involved. I have the best intentions and would love a chance to prove myself as a staff member on SagePvP. And with that being said here are some of my personal traits:

I'm an extremely friendly guy and love to help people in every way possible, I don't hate on people and love to give second chances to people. I was raised well and have good manners too, and I try to be the best version of myself every day.

I think a LOT, and with a lot I really mean it. I think about every decision and maybe a little too much. I don't judge people but most of the time I know a lot about you even if I just look at you, I also like to think outside the box and look for a solution in that way.

I work extremely hard when I want to achieve something or when I need to do something for someone. For example baking cookies for someone, I would only give them to the person if they were perfect / near perfect, and this would also help me as a staff member providing the best "service" possible and giving me tasks would be no problem for me either.

I like to be organized aswell, working in a messy environment would throw me off but being organized also has its benefits like making tasks/work easier or simpler to finish, or just being calm in general. I hate it when my stuff is disorganized since it just gives me a weird vibe.

I have a sense of humor, but I also know when it's time to be serious and when I can make a joke for instance. I am serious most of the time but not boring in any way, which would help players to listen better to me than just being boring.

I know the basics of screensharing. I dont have much experience with screensharing but im getting better at it. I have bought echo recently and it helped me a LOT with finding cheaters.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

10/10 because everything i wrote in this application is true.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)
Additional Information?:


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Well-known member
Good amount of details
No proof of staffing experience
Didn't state till what rank you got


Thank you for being interested in becoming a staff member on sagepvp, but unfortunately we wont be moving forward with your application. You may re-apply in 2 weeks.