Denied Tracks Staff Application


IGN (In-Game Name): Trackxd

Age: 16

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Do you have any previous staff experience? (If so, list them below):

I do have some staffing experience on servers like arkhq and A old factions server named McWarside and Factionslab

Why would you like to become a staff member?:

I want to become a staff member because I have friends that are on the staff team and I find the server enjoyable + I haven’t been staff on a server in awhile and thought about doing it again for fun.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I can be really active during the day and SOTW to help players with glitches, cheaters , and other issues they might run into on a daily basis

Can any current staff members vouch for you?:

I’m not sure about this but I’m pretty sure ChronicSeizures and Retrousse might vouch me

Additional Infomation?:

I am a nice person in teamspeak even though it might not show in game chat because I’m usually messing around when I’m in chat or it’s just faction competition for fun.


I’m always ready to help other staff members or players if needed and do the best of my abilities.


I’m willing to help players to the best of my ability and make sure they have an overall fun time playing the server


Last but not least I’m always willing to learn something new to help players out on the server so I and other staff or players can have a good experience


~ Tracks Staff Application