Denied TheLethalSlayer Staff Application.

Staff Application Format:
IGN (In-Game Name):TheLethalSlayer
Region (EU/NA/Other):Na
Do you have any previous staff experience?: I do have previous staff experience versai and apthosnetwork, one a hcf server and one a kit pvp Server at The Time I was trainee and once a mod so now I have quit to play java more on apathos I would work alongside the admins to catch hackers and to make sure everyone was doing there job and being professional and to make sure there was no toxic type of chats going on in the chat I would Also sit in the Discord for a bit to see if anyone needed help Then I would assist them on to what they would need and I was offered to become a admin but didnt take it Because I moved to Java I was on the team for about a Year here and enjoyed every minute of it and I also know how to catch pearl Glitchers, and closet cheaters.
Versai I Was a trainee on versai and I did enjoy the non toxic and very quiet and collective community I would sit in there Discord Support Waiting room and Just wait to assist someone as I would While I would be on the server and I would assist people on according to what they need and All the People Would say I was a very nice person and very professional and mature. All hcf servers are Full of toxic people who like to hack and toxic, This server is collective and really calm
Why would you like to become a staff member?: I wanna be staff On SAGEPVP The First thing is the community is well built and quiet. Which are nice and quiet This is a really Small server so I Can get some experience from it and then learn more and will be able to be more professional and deal with tougher situations another reason is I get along with everyone and I am not scared to help anyone at all
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: This is a good question, I will Go above and beyond to help any player in need I can be in team speak at all time I am also very active I can Be on 10 to 12 hours a day I will also be mature and professional at all time I can be on from 8 am in the morning to 3 pm then 8pm to 8am I will also help staff and players to make sure they dont get angry with anyone at all and to make sure that the enviroment stays a calm and collective at all times and to make sure I aint toxic at all Either and these I can assist in discord, Teamspeak, Ingame and to the best of my knowledge
If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? my honesty is a 8 say there is something thats going on the server I would be honest with The Higher Up say a staff member is abusing I would tell the staff member and be a 100% honest and I would have a video and somethings I would keep my mouth shut.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)No
Additional Information?: On my free Time I do like to hunt and fish with my buddys and we do like to drink beer and shoot guns I do also like to play minecraft and HCF all the time That is about it
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Sorry, but unfortunately we won't be moving forward with your application. You may re-apply in 2 weeks.