Denied TheDirkPvp’s | Staff Application - EU

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I am currently 15.
GMT+1 (Europe)
The Netherlands ??
Do you own a quality microphone?
Yes i do own a good quality mic. (Razar)
Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?:
Yes I have all of them.
Discord: TheDirkPvp#0089
Telegram: TheDirkPvp

Do you have any previous staff experiences?:
Yes, i do have Staff Experiences.
GunSmiths - [Admin/Manager] Yes,I was staff on a server called gunsmith a Youtuber I used to play with and stream with opened up a faction server for his followers and subscribers. He promoted me to be Admin and run events and deal with players so he could deal with plugins, buycraft and everything else. I set up several drop parties and envoys/koths for players. I also was Discord manager and Forum manager for the server. The server wasn't that popular ,but I was able to Satisfy the players to where they kept the server active and going the server was funded by some of the players that had jobs and loved the server as it had lots and lots of custom plugins and it ran well for a good 4 months till it shut down due to financial issues


RaptorHCF - Senior Administrator] RaptorHCF was an old server, this was a server that was created around a couple months ago, from what I remember I worked my way up from Trial-Moderator to Senior Administrator for my Maturity. Sadly this server shutdown because they were low on funds, But the server ran great for a couple of months!


[ZapHCF - Moderator] ZapHCF was an Semi-old server they were kinda of a fast paced hcf not to OP but not to hardcore I was given Trial Moderator when I was accepted after a couple maps I worked up to being promoted to Moderator but the server, ZapHCF didn't have many developers which led to them shutting down because there was so many bugs.


[NightMareHCF] - Trial-Moderator NightMareHCF was an HCF server it had HCF when i got accepted that day as Trial-Mod the discord server hes been deleted And Server hes been shutted down. It had around 30 players And since then i have resign from the server.


[Hyrane] - Helper Hyrane was a skyblock server with over then 100+ players i got accepted by the Manager And my job was to chat-moderate it were good times since then i have resign from the server And the server shutted down. The reason why i resigned is cause i don’t like SkyBlock that Much so i have quit with Skyblock for now.


[TazeHQ] - Trial-Moderator TazeHQ was one of best HCF servers for me it was one of the best times out my life when i got accepted there on it had, always on SOTW 150+ people. It was Super funny, Famous YouTubers joined to like, ObbyRaidzz, kpls, HateFoo, Refilming, audimatic, Fancy. And Manny more other i can’t remember all of them. But since then i the server shutted down, And since that i have resign from TazeHQ.


ExemPvP - Trial-Mod] ExemPvP is a good hcf server still hitting good players everyday, I was staff on this server twice, I was first accepted around December 2018 I was staff for a decent amount but school came so, I had to resign so I could focus on school etc once, I got that all together, I reapplied and I got accepted and 2-3 after, I got demoted for calling the Manager something very mean it was nothing, I did as a staff member


ExcileHQ - [Trial-Mod] ExcileHQ Was an HCF server create by an 13 year old. I was given Trial-Mod And growed up to Moderator. But the Staff were very abusing And doing things against the rules there are also on YouTube expose video’s About ExcileHQ Made by a girlfriend of me She was an Admin her name is (iCrazyEyes). She was also an old Senior-Mod on MinePlex. But since then i have resigned from ExcilePvP my job was to catch out for Cheaters moderating the chat And be active on discord, Teamspeak , Forum.


OPCraft - Helper] OPCraft is a really good Factions server with skyblock. I really enjoyed the server for a while so i decided to apply for Staff First time i failed, But the second time i got Accepted it was a dream that came true for me, I was very respectful i was helping people on Teamspeak, And also on the discord server, my job was to chat-moderate, if i found Any hackers i had to record evidence/proof. But u always need evidence/proof if Someone is cheating or doing something against the rules so i would make Sure i would record proof, if i would punish Someone i would make Sure i have evidence, i have resigned from OPCraft cause i didn’t really enjoy it anymore. And since then i have resigned from the server.


Known member
Why do you want to become staff?:
There is countless reason why I want to become staff on SagePvP. First, I want to get rid of all the toxic and people that have no respect toward the staff team and toward other players playing on Sagepvp. Second, I want to say that support rooms on almost every big and successful HCF server are always a lot of work. However, I don't think that, support rooms have always been one of my favorite things to do as a staff member. This is because while doing support rooms not only do you get to interact with players on the server but you also get to help players that need help with something they can't do by themselves. Another thing is support rooms is also a very easy way to find hackers because if someone has proof of someone else hacking you just have to watch it and ban the person if he was for sure hacking in he video. Fourth, I've always hate staff that like to abuse for their friends or that always listen to one person because they know them better. However, if I get staff I'll make sure to be as fair as possible to everyone no matter if he's someone I've never heard of or even a very popular YouTuber. Being bias towards players is probably the last thing you want a staff member doing. Fifth, ever since I joined the server which was very early on when it used to have around 40 players on a day and when Hackusate and Slowish used to record on it. I've seen it grow so much ever since and it's still growing to this day. I would really want to become a staff member to contribute a lot more in growing this amazing server. Sixth, I don't hate anything or anyone more than I hate hackers and people that closet cheat. If I get staff I'll try my best to make sure this server will get rid of every single one of those hackers one way or another. I also don't get why if someone knows something isn't allowed why they still do it. It's because they enjoy ruining people's experience on SagePvP by cheating and killing them. Seventh, I want to make everyone's experience on SagePvP the best I can. I don't want to see people saying "shit server" or "wow how shit are the staff" in chat. I also want every player that plays on SagePvP to believe that SagePvP is the better server out there. Eighth, I know a lot of people come in teamspeak and complain about how no staff ever respond to their reports or helpops, but I'll make sure and try to the best of my ability to respond to every single question, report, or helpop there is. If I can't respond to it right that moment because I'm helping someone else I'll make sure to respond to it after I'm finished helping that person. Ninth, I know recently the HCF community has been very very toxic. I want staff to try to get rid of all the toxic people and bring a lot of nontoxic people to the server that will also try their hardest to make faithful a better, safer, and more enjoyable place for everyone to be on and play on. Tenth, I want to get better at being a staff member and get more experienced. I know my staff experience is not the best and it’s also not the worst, but it can be a lot better and I think by getting staff on SagePvP my experience as a good staff member will for sure go up. Eleventh, I really like the SagePvP staff team and even have some friends that are staff on SagePvP. This is by far not the main reason but if I will even need help or can’t figure something out by myself, I can easily just ask them if they know. Twelfth, I would like to be staff because of the forums. I’m on the forums quite a bit every single day and by getting staff I can be part of the forums a lot more and help out a lot more people on the forums because there aren’t a lot of staff members that help out on the forums only some do. Thirteenth, some people in this community if you make them mad or do anything to them that isn’t the way they want it, they would just ddos you, which is wrong in so so many ways. I want staff because most of the time when people do ddos you, you can usually find out who it is pretty fast and if you are staff and 100% do have proof of them hitting you off, you can then blacklist them for ddosing or tell a higher staff member to blacklist them. Last reason why I want to become staff is because some players aren’t always 100% satisfied when staff helped them, but if I get staff, when I am helping someone I’ll make sure they are 100% satisfied with how I helped them and how I handled there situation or problem. Making sure your players are satisfied is very important when you are staff because if they aren't satisfied that won't play on your server anymore.

Helping People Out
I would like staff to help more people out. Having staff makes it a lot easier to help people because most often, people listen to staff over other players and what they are saying. I think staff main job other than to get rid of all the hackers and cheaters that aren't following the rules is helping people and the community out. So, if I become staff then it will make it a lot easier to help people out with what ever they might need. Helping people is one of the biggest reason I would like to become staff on the sagepvp network because I have always had a passion for helping people and making someones day better. I am US and usally on for mostly US times. However, I something wake up early and stay up later so I can help people from the EU and from ASIA.


Known member
Why should we accept you as staff?:
I believe I should be accepted as staff for many reasons. I can bring quite a bit to SagePvP and its great community. A plus is I can be on almost any time of the day when someone needs me because now that school ended, I have nothing else to do in my free time than to staff on SagePvP. Another thing is most people think that after they finally get staff they’re the boss now and everyone has to listen and follow everything they say and respect them a lot more than everyone else. However, if I get staff I'll show the same amount of respect to everyone, no matter if there friends with me or if they’re famous or if I don’t like that person as much. I’ll also show respect to the other staff members on this team. Next, I am a very old faithful player and have a very good understanding of the rules and of the things that are allowed and the things that aren’t allowed. I also know when to punish a player or when not to. Another plus, some staff members if they see someone just a bit sketchy they will just ban them for hacking or some sort, however, if I get staff ill make sure not to false ban anyone for any reason. Next, not to mention but while I was staff on TazeHQ and ExemPvP I got pretty good at screen sharing and can find a lot of clients, but if I do get staff on SagePvP my overall screen sharing experience will for sure go up even more and I'll be able to find a lot more ghost clients and "Undetectable auto-clickers" and other things that will give players an advantage over others. Another thing is I have always had a great passion and have enjoyed helping people no matter who it is. Even if I can't directly help them I'll make sure to be part of helping them. Another reason why I should be accepted as staff is I am not new to HCF and know that support rooms can be a lot to do especially when there's an SOTW taking place or when there are Koths and other big server events, but while I was staff on Excile I learned how to handle support rooms with a lot of people that need help at the same time. Sagepvp is also my favorite server and if I would get staff I think I can grow and expand this community even more. I didn't only learn how to screen share hacker but I also know how to screen share for other stuff like for doxing and ddos'ing, but I am a lot better at finding clients then booters. Another reason is, I have always been a person that likes helping others and dealing with different problems people might have. I also have never been a greedy person nor do I ever get jealous at anyone no matter if they are better than me at something. I am also a person that hates putting things to the side. This means whenever I am assigned to do something or I have to do something you won’t have to worry about me getting it done. I can also get on a lot earlier than most staff members that are US so I can do support rooms and moderate in-game because there are usually a lot of people waiting for helping in teamspeak, in the morning. I should also be accepted as staff for these other reasons!


Known member
I am very active on Sagepvp and will always be playing this server when I have nothing to do. There will also be no problem with me being active because now that I have finished school for the summer, I can get on at almost any time when someone needs me other than when I need to go somewhere or when I have other in real life activities to do. I have a lot of playtime on kits, guilds, and leagues. However, if I get staff I'll make sure to help people on every signle server no matter if it doesn't have a lot of people on. This meaning I am a very active person and will be even more active on Sagepvp if I get accepted as a staff member.

I have always been a very honest person and have tried to never lie about anything. Lying also is never the way to go because in the long run they will find out one way or another and the punishment will be greater. Being honest will always get you a lot farther than lieing. I also think you should never lie if you ever want to become staff or stay staff on a server. Honestly is also one of the most important trait in a person when picking staff, if they aren't honest how can you believe they aren't lying and telling the truth.

I am and have always been a trustworthy person. Ever one that knows me well knows that I'm trustworthy and that I would never do anything to harm anyone. Trust is a very very important trait that staff members should have because if you can't trust them why would you ever trust them with staff on your server. I would never do anything to harm anyone associated with Sagepvp or the players playing it no matter if I'm mad or if something is to happen. I have never messed anything up on purpose and if something did get messed up I would make sure to fix it right away.

I am not the usual 15 -Year old that is toxic and screams and does stupid stuff. I have always been a calm and mature person. I am also not like most kids my age and I will take my staff position serious. I am also very mature in teamspeak and in-game, you won't ever find me trash talking someone or calling them names. If they are being toxic I'll make sure to be the better person and try to calm them down and solve the issue. Being a more mature staff member not only does it make you look better but more importantly it makes the server look a lot better.

I am very professional when it comes to staffing on a server, especially a big and well-known server like Sagepvp. I have always been professional even if I am not staff I still using correct grammar in-game and talk professionally to people in teamspeak when they need help. I think being professional is very important when it comes to staffing on a big and successful server like Sagepvp. I also think many staff members don't have this trait but I am one of the few that do.

Many people say they are "hard-working". However, I truly am a very hard working person, not only online but in real life too. Hard-working isn't just getting a job done, it's getting a job done fast and the best it can be done. I think if you aren't a hard worker, staff is nowhere near the right job for you. Staff need to be hard-workers that don't get bored helping and doing hard work. I also believe this is another one of the most important traits a staff member should have, especially when staff on a big server like Sagepvp.

I will always have respect towards the other staff members on the team and towards our own amazing players. I think respecting someone is very important. To me, if I would ever get disrespected by another staff member on a different server I would just simply never play that server again. I think respect is key to anything because if you don't respect them they won't resoect you. That's why I think having respect not only towards our players but also towards your fellow staff members is so important and critical in becoming staff.

I know this community has gotten a lot more toxic than it was at the start. I am for sure not toxic and never plan to be toxic to anyone at anytime, this meaning I'll make sure to always be nice and kind to anyone that I'm helping and to never be annoying or toxic to anyone no matter if I like them or if they aren't my favorite person in this world. Toxicity is a thing no one should be proud of, if you think that you are toxic you might want to reconsider that and change because you won't get accepted as staff if you toxic. I also think a toxic staff member is the last thing you want on your staff team.

Most people that apply for staff just want it so they can say they were staff on such a great server like Sagepvp. However, I applied for staff because I have always had a passion for helping people and challenging myself with different problems every day that people might have. I also think that having a passion for helping people is a very big think that Sagepvp staff members should have, and I have a lot of passion when it comes to helping someone and making someone's day a bit better. Some staff member don't have passion for what they do so they slack off and don't do there job the right way, but that would never be me.

I have more knowledge about being a good staff member than most people that are applying do. I know almost all the rules that there are on Sagepvp and I am still looking over them to this day. I also have a lot of knowledge of when someone is actually hacking, just good at pvp, or if they are trying to look like they are hacking to get frozen. Having a lot of knowledge about being staff is always good because if you're ever in a sticky situation you can just use your knowledge to try to get out of it. Having knowledge about what your doing also makes something 100% easier and better.

I care a lot about everyone that plays on Sagepvp and care about its amazing community. I care a lot about Sagepvp because of all the hard work kappios, And the other staff members' put into it. I played Sagepvp for a lot even when it used to average around 150-300 players on a day. I would mostly play kit map because that's all it had other than some other game modes that I didn't enjoy. I would be so so sad if Faithful was to ever shut down or if something bad would ever happen to it. If staff don't care about their players then why play that server, that's why caring about your players is so important.

I have always been been very good at keeping things calm and never over exaggerating. Whenever, I am playing on Sagepvp or moderating on it I'll make sure to stay calm no matter what happens or what is about to happen. I am not only good at staying calm but I am also very good at calming people down if they ever are in a big argument or if two people aren't getting along the best. Being able to calm people down and calm down certain situation is very important when becoming staff on Sagepvp or even any other minecraft server because if something gets to out of hand something bad could possible happen, even if they really didn't mean it.
Additional Information:

I am a very dedicated person I have put so much work into wrestling and cross country to become what I am today I have gotten up every morning at 7 am to run a mile since 7th grade which has lead me to a very proud achievement of cutting my 7th grade mile of 8 minutes to a outstanding 5:58 mile which has taken me a lot of hard work because I've gotten up every morning as I've stated and ran 2 miles and then went to school and did conditioning first period and in wrestling which I have been doing since I was 8 and now I am 15 that's 7 years of practicing I mean not every day but I did practice a lot and try to become the best wrestler in my school and as a freshmen im better than both of the sophomores on varsity which is a big accomplishment because not all freshmen can claim that. and mind you while doing this I obtained an A/B grade average throughout middle school.

I believe i'm a very helpful person I've helped people on KitMap (when people are online) I help them learn how to play or just answer simple questions they have and i do this frequently every day because I am a very active player on the server i would take care or the server And respect Everyone.

I am still improving this list and adding more as time passes which is proving im improving as a person and becoming better because if you dont improve you never change i believe change is what the world needs in order to move on because a lot of people havent changed in the gaming community for example a few toxic player's such as myself are now some of the nicest and most reformed players on the server because we Changed.

If i shoud be ACCEPTED as a Helper, I will follow all rules that have been established for all server staff. As a Helper, I understand that I will be expected show activity on the server and to fulfill my duty in helping and informing any and all players in any server related issues or concerns.
Thank you so much for the time you spent to read this! I would love and appreciate any and all feedback as it enables me to correct/alter my application in such ways that I would have not thought of before! Constructive criticism is an amazing tool!


Veteran Member


Veteran Member
And even after that you kept spamming me for 5 mins straight. Also heard you spammed more than me and I have heard you are immature.


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Known member
And even after that you kept spamming me for 5 mins straight. Also heard you spammed more than me and I have heard you are immature.
First look how long that ago is. 2nd I was getting money to adverise the server. And first of all we were friends on discord so I am allowed to advertise. And still it wasn’t spamming at al. If u don’t message back and delete ur own message. It’s not enough proof of me spamming and still it happen on discord and had nothing with SagePvp. Something what happen as something else happen there not on SagePvp. I ain’t immature because I said in my application I was mature, and first read it then complain, And if I am immature how can I be Staff on servers. If I was immature I could never been ACCEPTED on any servers. Thanks for reading?
-Dear TheDirkPvp. ⚜️


Veteran Member
First look how long that ago is. 2nd I was getting money to adverise the server. And first of all we were friends on discord so I am allowed to advertise. And still it wasn’t spamming at al. If u don’t message back and delete ur own message. It’s not enough proof of me spamming and still it happen on discord and had nothing with SagePvp. Something what happen as something else happen there not on SagePvp. I ain’t immature because I said in my application I was mature, and first read it then complain, And if I am immature how can I be Staff on servers. If I was immature I could never been ACCEPTED on any servers. Thanks for reading?
-Dear TheDirkPvp. ⚜️
I have never meet you and I always get random dms from people advertising and I said stop or I am blocking you and you just kept going


Known member
I have never meet you and I always get random dms from people advertising and I said stop or I am blocking you and you just kept going
it was a job for me I got paid to adverise their server. I didn’t spam I didn’t advetise cause u friended me. You had the choise to block me but u didn’t!
- Dear TheDirkPvp


Known member

- Toxic and immature

- Applied with the same application on faithfulmc
I applied with the same Transelator application on FaithfulMC
Because: I want more experiences in being a Transelator, and i Wanna become a Dutch or English teacher Later when I am old!


Active member
I applied with the same Transelator application on FaithfulMC

Because: I want more experiences in being a Transelator, and i Wanna become a Dutch or English teacher Later when I am old!
No you didn't you applied for staff on FaithfulMC with the exact same application as this it can easily be proved and your lying too.
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