UPDATE The Apex Update Announcement Post



Good Afternoon our SagePvP players,

I'd like to introduce you all to one of our biggest updates ever: The Apex Update. This post will include all the important information for this week's Apex release as well as some sneak peeks for more stuff coming in the weeks hereafter! We've spent a lot of time and effort on this update over the last few weeks with significant changes for all our new and old realms!
Our focus for this update was to improve the player experience at Sage by introducing a more balanced economy and a new event which allows everyone to compete. What's more, we're adding many new features and ability items as well as bringing back some old player favourites! Our Arcanium realm was released last week and it went really well, we've gathered tons of feedback for a new release coming very soon!

This update will span out over the next 3 weeks, with new features and game modes being released each week so stay on the lookout for more sneak-peaks and posts!

Global Updates
All The Global Updates can be found here.

•All new Hub build.
• Another free-the-cheaters unban all!
• The new Apex event (More info regarding this listed below).
• A full revamp of the economy regarding ability items and much more!
• Vouchers are now enabled on all packages


Squads will see some of the most significant features this update such as our all new Apex event, a balanced economy, new ability items as well as fan-favorite old ones. We've implemented changes for everyone ranging from baseraiders, to trappers, teamfighters and casual players!

All information regarding our HCF realm can be found below!

Release Date: Friday, August 11th at 3:00 PM EST
Map Kit: Protection 2, Sharpness 2
Size: 6 Mans, No Allies


The Apex event: The Apex event will be a citadel-sized event with similar rewards but a completely new concept. The capzone for the Apex event is cummulative, which means: more members on the cap, faster captime! The event works on percentages and with more of your members on this capzone, the captime will also increase. This event will be suited for both teamfighters as baseraiders as you will be able to pearl and use ability items in this region.

Brand new KoTH armor: KoTH and Event armor will now have specific custom enchants only obtainable from these crates.
Helmet: Fisherman - Lowers rod cooldown by one second,
Chestplate: Crappled - Reduces your crapple cooldown from 45 seconds to 35 seconds,
Leggings: Stacked - Lets you carry 14 crapples rather than 12 in events and the End and Nether dimesions,
Boots: Fastfood - Reduces your gopple timer by 30 minutes if eaten whilst wearing boots with the enchants.

Ability Items:
New item rotation: An all new wave of items featuring the following new items too.
Portable backstab: As the name suggest it's a portable backstab that works the same as a rogue backstab
Rainbow trail: Hit a player 3 times and a trail of rainbow carpets will follow them wherever they walk
Sandcastle: This item works in a similar sense to the Ice Box, but replaces the ice blocks with sandstone blocks

Quality of life changes:
Faller tokens: In a similar sense to the base tokens, these will mine out a faller for you and will be obtainable on our store: store.sagepvp.org. After using these you'll receive a faller wand, which you'll be able to select the area of the faller with, in a similar sense to claiming a faction claim.
Depth Strider tokens: We have added a new kit (called the Enchanter kit), that gives a range of custom enchantment books as well as a Depth Strider token that can be used to give a Depth Strider book with a random level (1-3)
Cleaned up GKits: Some of the GKits have been deleted. This includes Diamond, Bard and Archer. The legendary kits will still exist.
Eco fixes: With the new items, we've also set up a rarity system that can be viewed on things like mystery boxes and flares. These are indicated by colors ranging from green to red to indicate how rare an ability item is to obtain from the boxes. The economy itself has also seen changes, mainly with lootboxes and the other 'OP' crates.
Trapping: We've disabled the use of trapdoors and doors below Y=50.
Added /claim - A way to claim items with a full inventory after opening crates.

Knockback: We've modified the knockback values to be more appealing for players.
Potions: Potion mechanics have also been changed to make potting ever so slightly more difficult.
Falldamage: Falldamage has seen a big change, there was an issue that made fall damage practically nonexistent in some cases. This should now be fixed.
Anticheat: Our anticheat has also seen some changes to help prevent cheating on our Network​


Kitmap SOTW will be on Thursday August 17th @4PM EST


Brand new builds
: A military themed map.
Return of Yeti Class: An old, but really liked class.
Updated gemshop: Fitted with the new wave of ability items.
Updated GKits: New seasonal GKit.
Military themed ability items: Matching with the overall theme of this kitmap.
New daily minigames: FFA, Duels, Sumo, Thimble, Dropper, Spleef, Parkour, Hide and Seek, Survival Games, Skywars, Paintball & Blockmania.
Set lengths for all kitmaps: 5 Week long maps.
Automated events: The event schedule no longer requires staff and should work automatically.


Arcanium SOTW release date will be announced in the upcoming week


Brand new builds
: A lot of new old-styled builds.
Updated reclaim system: Partners no longer inherit top rank for reclaims.
Updated GKits: Removed Bard and Archer GKit.
Fixed Rod crafting: Rods can now be crafted again.
Automated events: The event schedule no longer requires staff and should work automatically. Events no longer start every hour.

More changelogs for this realm will be posted in our Discord

See you all this weekend! We hope you all enjoy our Apex Update!

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View attachment 3860

Good Afternoon our SagePvP players,

I'd like to introduce you all to one of our biggest updates ever: The Apex Update. This post will include all the important information for this week's Apex release as well as some sneak peeks for more stuff coming in the weeks hereafter! We've spent a lot of time and effort on this update over the last few weeks with significant changes for all our new and old realms!
Our focus for this update was to improve the player experience at Sage by introducing a more balanced economy and a new event which allows everyone to compete. What's more, we're adding many new features and ability items as well as bringing back some old player favourites! Our Arcanium realm was released last week and it went really well, we've gathered tons of feedback for a new release coming very soon!

This update will span out over the next 3 weeks, with new features and game modes being released each week so stay on the lookout for more sneak-peaks and posts!

Global Updates
All The Global Updates can be found here.

•All new Hub build.
• Another free-the-cheaters unban all!
• The new Apex event (More info regarding this listed below).
• A full revamp of the economy regarding ability items and much more!
• Vouchers are now enabled on all packages

View attachment 3861

Squads will see some of the most significant features this update such as our all new Apex event, a balanced economy, new ability items as well as fan-favorite old ones. We've implemented changes for everyone ranging from baseraiders, to trappers, teamfighters and casual players!

All information regarding our HCF realm can be found below!

Release Date: Friday, August 11th at 3:00 PM EST
Map Kit: Protection 2, Sharpness 2
Size: 6 Mans, No Allies


The Apex event: The Apex event will be a citadel-sized event with similar rewards but a completely new concept. The capzone for the Apex event is cummulative, which means: more members on the cap, faster captime! The event works on percentages and with more of your members on this capzone, the captime will also increase. This event will be suited for both teamfighters as baseraiders as you will be able to pearl and use ability items in this region.

Brand new KoTH armor: KoTH and Event armor will now have specific custom enchants only obtainable from these crates.
Helmet: Fisherman - Lowers rod cooldown by one second,
Chestplate: Crappled - Reduces your crapple cooldown from 45 seconds to 35 seconds,
Leggings: Stacked - Lets you carry 14 crapples rather than 12 in events and the End and Nether dimesions,
Boots: Fastfood - Reduces your gopple timer by 30 minutes if eaten whilst wearing boots with the enchants.

Ability Items:
New item rotation: An all new wave of items featuring the following new items too.
Portable backstab: As the name suggest it's a portable backstab that works the same as a rogue backstab
Rainbow trail: Hit a player 3 times and a trail of rainbow carpets will follow them wherever they walk
Sandcastle: This item works in a similar sense to the Ice Box, but replaces the ice blocks with sandstone blocks

Quality of life changes:
Faller tokens: In a similar sense to the base tokens, these will mine out a faller for you and will be obtainable on our store: store.sagepvp.org. After using these you'll receive a faller wand, which you'll be able to select the area of the faller with, in a similar sense to claiming a faction claim.
Depth Strider tokens: We have added a new kit (called the Enchanter kit), that gives a range of custom enchantment books as well as a Depth Strider token that can be used to give a Depth Strider book with a random level (1-3)
Cleaned up GKits: Some of the GKits have been deleted. This includes Diamond, Bard and Archer. The legendary kits will still exist.
Eco fixes: With the new items, we've also set up a rarity system that can be viewed on things like mystery boxes and flares. These are indicated by colors ranging from green to red to indicate how rare an ability item is to obtain from the boxes. The economy itself has also seen changes, mainly with lootboxes and the other 'OP' crates.
Trapping: We've disabled the use of trapdoors and doors below Y=50.
Added /claim - A way to claim items with a full inventory after opening crates.

Knockback: We've modified the knockback values to be more appealing for players.
Potions: Potion mechanics have also been changed to make potting ever so slightly more difficult.
Falldamage: Falldamage has seen a big change, there was an issue that made fall damage practically nonexistent in some cases. This should now be fixed.
Anticheat: Our anticheat has also seen some changes to help prevent cheating on our Network​

View attachment 3862

Kitmap SOTW will be on Thursday August 17th @4PM EST


Brand new builds
: A military themed map.
Return of Yeti Class: An old, but really liked class.
Updated gemshop: Fitted with the new wave of ability items.
Updated GKits: New seasonal GKit.
Military themed ability items: Matching with the overall theme of this kitmap.
New daily minigames: FFA, Duels, Sumo, Thimble, Dropper, Spleef, Parkour, Hide and Seek, Survival Games, Skywars, Paintball & Blockmania.
Set lengths for all kitmaps: 5 Week long maps.
Automated events: The event schedule no longer requires staff and should work automatically.

View attachment 3863

Arcanium SOTW release date will be announced in the upcoming week


Brand new builds
: A lot of new old-styled builds.
Updated reclaim system: Partners no longer inherit top rank for reclaims.
Updated GKits: Removed Bard and Archer GKit.
Fixed Rod crafting: Rods can now be crafted again.
Automated events: The event schedule no longer requires staff and should work automatically. Events no longer start every hour.

More changelogs for this realm will be posted in our Discord

See you all this weekend! We hope you all enjoy our Apex Update!

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