Denied Taydem Staff App

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New member
Age: 14 ik im under age just trust me im turning 15 in 3 months



Do you own a quality microphone? Yes A Blue SnowBall

Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?:Yes Discord:Saph#4296 Tele:mad:NETaydem

Do you have any previous staff experiences?:past Staff Experience ValidHC (Resigned) 0-100 Players I was a Mod on ValidHC and learned how to tolerate everybody no matter how they sound or act. (Resigned) 0-75 People In Discord (Server Never Released) I was an T-Mod on Phantom but, I resigned due to the the staff ddosing players and immaturity . I learned to ask if I don't understand something and that teamwork is how to succeed. MineHQ (Resigned) "NOTE" IT IS NOT THE REAL MINEHQ WE JUST BOUGHT THE DOMAIN" 0-200 Players I was a Owner on MineHQ but the server shut down due to funds and due to lack of activity within the staff team and player base. FlarePVP (Resigned) 0-100 Players I was a Chat-Mod on FlarePVP but resigned due to lack of Respect in the staff team and Owners. (resigned). CavePvP (Resigned) 0-80 Players I was a trial moderator on Cave I learned absolutely nothing out of this server. CavePvP (Resigned) 0-100 Players I was a Admin on CavePvP and learned how to deal with Media with a correct manner. This includes being in calls with them so on so on. I also learned that I should not message these type of people due to them being busy and it makes us look unprofessional.

Why do you want to become staff?:
Why do you want to be staff? I want to become staff on Minemen Club because I have a love for the server and the love for staffing. I am a very social person when it comes to video games and chat. I love to play all the time, but the staff on the servers I play on are very Toxic and slow when it comes to helping. I guarantee that if I am made a staff member I can change this extremely. I can move people in TeamSpeak as soon as possible and will teach other staff members to do the same as this is why they are staff. After gaining the experience that I have gained (which varies from hackers, community help, and chat monitoring.) I know I will be able to finally have my chance at an amazing server that will improve my experience greatly. Even though the server runs amazingly I can definitely help make it run smoother. Whether it is from improving the staff team, getting rid of hackers, getting rid of bugs, moderating chat; if you need me to help I will. Finally, I feel this will be a great next step to my adventure of staffing. It will also be fun for me to help others and improve the community. This experience will also allow me to give back to the community that has done so much for me.

Why should we accept you as staff?:Maturity! Despite my age of Fourteen, I am very mature. I have self-control and can contain my temper. I don't get mad when I die or when something doesn't go my way. I keep my cool and never go all out on someone. I make sure to remain calm in every situation I can and handle it to the best of my ability. If you aren't mature as a staff member you could hurt someone's feelings, make them feel not welcome, lead them to believe nobody cares about them. Responsible! As I said above, responsibility is one of the most important traits I believe a staff member to need. If you aren't responsible then you aren't trustworthy. Being a staff member means the managers get to trust you to help the network and only use your powers to the benefit of the server. If you aren't responsible you could abuse, criticize people, and make the network unfair for players. Respect Part 2 ! Players come on this server to enjoy their time. They choose THIS server over others. While you're a staff member your job includes, but is not limited to making those members feel at home. Your job is to treat everyone fairly despite their relation to you or how they treat you. One of my favorite quotes; "Treat everyone how you wanted to be treated" If you were to log on a server and the first thing that you see is a staff member unfairly gaining resources everybody else has to gain, how would you feel? What if you came on and someone immediately starting poking fun at you and insulting you. That wouldn't be much of a fun time, would it? I presume what I'm trying to say is everybody deserves respect. No matter how they talk, do things, or answer to you. Everybody is a human being and deserves to be treated like one. Non-Biased! One thing I pride is I'm not biased. I do not treat anyone differently from anyone else. I feel everyone deserves the same amount of attention, respect, and overall dedication. If you were to be doing the same thing as someone else and they got a lesser punishment then you how would you feel? Would you feel violated, cheated, or maybe even just disappointed? That's how a member would feel. Despite the rank, name, relation to me, or how they treat me I will always treat them how I do to everyone else. Respect Part 2! How you respect someone is key. If you start off insulting or criticizing someone that's most likely how they'll treat you back. How to get people to befriend you and enjoy you as a person is respecting them. Whenever you meet someone for the first time or see an old friend the first thing you should do is treat them with respect. You should be kind, understanding, and welcoming. There's no reason to make someone feel not welcome or not loved. People enjoy when they are treated with kindness. It makes them feel at home and want to stay. Dedication! Dedication is how much time you are willing to put into the server, and how much effort you are willing to put in. There's a big difference between playing and not putting any effort in so, in reality, you're not really helping out. Or playing and putting your best potential into the server to benefit it to the greater good. You could log on all the time but do nothing and it wouldn't count as activity. Dedication is the main trait of helping everybody. You can't help members if you're offline all the time. All Minecraft servers need staff members, and active staff members are the people who actually care about the benefit of the server. Inactive staff members could be a bad thing for the network as they couldn't spend their time on the server to help. I will be very dedicated accepted or not to try and do my best to help out the server/network.
Can any staff members on the team vouch for you?

Additional Information:Is there anything else we should know? My name is Mike, My ign is Taydem online. I am White/latin so, I speak Endlish I am very social and good at talking to people. These two skills are essential to being a staff member because they help you debate with others and understand what they are talking about. I am very Serious and also laid back and chills I am easy to work with and i think there is always a time and place for something. When I am told to get something done I get it done with no questions. i also have dyslexia which is i a reading and writing "disorder" but i am testing out of my classes for it in school. i am looking forward to being staff on the server and working with you!
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Active member

- Lack of detail
- Seems mature, but had many spelling errors and grammatically incorrect statements

Kind Regards,
LahMoney (Jack)


Established member
Lacking detail
It could be more organized. No, it SHOULD be more organized.
Add a color scheme to make it more appealing

Best regards.


I literally suck at everything I have ever tried.
Hello @taydem, thank you for taking the time to apply for a staff position on our network. Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one or more of these reasons;

- Lack of Playtime,
- Plagiarism,
- Immaturity / Toxicity,
- Lack of detail / Experience,
- Failing to meet the requirements.

You will be eligible to re-apply after two weeks. We suggest you take this time to improve your application.
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