Suggestion Suggestions

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New member
Server : HCF
IGN : MutedK
Type of suggestion (teamfighting, ability item, rules, baseraiding, bugfixes, appearance) : a bit of everything
Suggestion :

General Suggestions

Add Team View

That an amount of diamonds gives you a gem, example every 10 diamonds you receive 1 gem, a command to give gems

Add base raiding and base raiding toxic, base raiding toxic with toxic dropdown, less cooldown of abilities, more abilitys for the one who enters the base, etc.

When you throw /f show that to the right of the coordinates I let you throw f focus.

Put a /camp (name of the faction) and that it leaves you 200 blocks from home if it lives very far (that it takes 1 minute and only leaves you in spawn or home

Add Legendary Kit Brewer.

Not being able to have invis below 1000 in overworld

Add enderchest type of 1 hotbar that only ability items can be entered (and that can be used above 1000 in overworld),

Add partner keys in /gemshop add a clickable kit in gemshop,

Add top kills, killstreak and deaths with commands (example / leaderboard kills),

Add /trade That can only be used in home or spawn without combat tag,

Add abilitys fake pearl, invisibility ( That with full armor they cannot see you )

Add time ranks in the store

Add Play Time leaderboard and prizes ( voucher or PP )

Double Event ( 1 Hour duration )

Double Gems : During this event everything that gives you gems and you do it instead of giving you 1 gem will give you 2 (Example: during this event you play 15 minutes and instead of giving you 1 gem it will give you 2)

Double XP : During this event you will be given double XP to be able to spend it in / CE or free to use.

Double use of PP Items : In this event, the same partner item can be used twice (after the 2 uses, the default cooldown is set)

Also an event where for 1 hour 0.75 DTR is lost instead of 1, double points and one hour without deathban.
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Well-known member
Most of these are from Spanish servers which I don't mind but I just don't like their idea of /camp, the ender chest, the base raiding and base raiding toxic thing. All in all the events would be nice to bring players and the time ranks thing they have this with the Gamble crate but you can win a kit instead. Not bad hopefully they add the events!


New member
Most of these are from Spanish servers which I don't mind but I just don't like their idea of /camp, the ender chest, the base raiding and base raiding toxic thing. All in all the events would be nice to bring players and the time ranks thing they have this with the Gamble crate but you can win a kit instead. Not bad hopefully they add the events!
Thank you very much, I put my own suggestions and some taken from other servers, but you can take my suggestions and change them to your style if you want, I have many more suggestions but I will surely post them days before the update, respects!


New member
i swear if they add the 2x gem event from ur post imma kms i recommended double gems so many times i lost count
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