Denied Strobberie Finnish Translator Application

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IGN (In-Game Name): Strobberie
Age: 15
Timezone: EST
Country: United States of America
How many hours can you put into the server per week?: 20+ Hours
What language(s) do you currently speak?: English and Finnish.
Do you have a good quality microphone?: Yes.
Do you have Telegram & Discord?: Yes, my Telegram is @Strobberie and my Discord is Strobberie#4662.
Do you have any previous experiences?: I have no previous experience in translating, however I have staffed on many networks, so I have a good understanding of how support rooms work.

-My Staffing Experiences:

Azurite - Owner
SkyHCF - Sr. Admin
KiraHCF - Admin + A/C Admin + Head of Media Management
KnightPvP - Sr. Mod
AngelPvP - Mod+
HCVirus - Mod
WitchcraftHCF - Mod
CavePvP - Chat Moderator
FiercePvP - Trial Mod
PotPvPGG - Trial Mod
JoltenMC - Helper
CertixCC - Trial Mod
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Application denied.

We are not in the need of Finnish translators at the moment!

Please contact me on telegram at a later date to find out if we need Finnish translators.

My telegram is @ImElway.

Thank you for applying on SagePvP, reapply after a week has passed.
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