Denied Strapah's Staff Application [US]

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New member
IGN (In-Game Name): strapah
Age: 15
Timezone: EST
Do you have any previous staff experience? (If so, list them below):
HCNations - Moderator, On HCNations i was staff for around 3 months until i eventually resigned, I resigned under good terms (personal issues)

Mystic Netowork: Head Admin, on Mystic i was in charge of dealing with the media team, as well as helping with the server, making sure everything goes smooth.

BlueHCF - Platform Admin, on BlueHCF i was mainly in charge of the media team, i also helped manage the staff team as well as keeping everything in order, the server shut down recently because of the owner having some issues.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I would like to become staff for many reasons. One of them being the fact that I have too much spare time currently. I’ve recently started trying to become more fit so now I spend most of my time either going to the gym, playing video games, or other various activities. I believe during the amount of hours I spend playing games I find myself becoming slowly more & more less interested in the game I’m playing. However, I've noticed that I've always found staffing on any network a reason to become & stay interested within the game. With that said, I believe with my current knowledge, enjoyment, and understanding of Sage I could spend a lot of time moderating the server and making the Network an overall happier place for players.

Secondly, I'd like to become staff for entertainment. I've been really less motivated when it comes to certain games, so I believe if I can spend a good amount of my time enjoying the game I'm playing, then I will be more happy. Also, if I'm enjoying helping out the community and such by just doing my specific job, then I believe both, myself and players will find the network more enjoyable.

Another reason is my overall HCF Staffing skill. I believe I have a good amount of staff experience on respectably big servers. Whether I stay a low rank, or achieve a higher rank, my knowledge of staffing will always increase no matter what server I become staff on, since every Network has different skills and requirements. If I were to become staff on Sage, I believe I would gain a lot of general staffing knowledge to help me become an overall better staff member.

Third of all, I believe I can relate to the community. I’ve always hated when others (including myself, or mates) would complain about certain staff members not doing their job, or staff abusing their powers and such. As well as when players get stuck in scenarios that should be fixed and dealt by staff, but it takes way to long for it to be dealt with. I’ve always been able to relate to members, so I always felt like I was doing the right thing, or knew when others (and myself) were doing the wrong things, from time to time. At the end of the day, whenever I have a staff position, I always try to keep in mind what the players’ thoughts are, becoming finalizing my decision within certain scenarios.

Finally, I’ve always wanted to become staff on Sage. I never decided to apply either because I wasn’t playing Minecraft a lot, or I believe I wasn’t ready. I’m very happy with my current experience and skill / knowledge that I have currently, however now I truly believe that I have the information required to become a good staff member on Sage. Overall, I really enjoy being a staff member on servers relating to Minecraft. I’m amused by the fact that I can and will try my best to help players, and to help the community overall. Becoming a staff member, especially on a large and popular network such as Sage, takes much skill and requires you to be able to complete certain tasks. I believe I have what it takes to become a SagePvP staff member.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I believe I fit the requirements to become a staff member for my qualities and skills that stand out when it comes to staffing on HCF servers. I don’t find myself to be overwhelmingly better than other applicants, however I do believe when it comes to specific scenarios and situations I would be able to handle them easier and quicker.
Below is a list of certain attributes that I believe really describe me as a staff member overall.


I believe my skill of multi-tasking and awareness have improved over the past servers I’ve staffed on. I feel very confident when it comes to multi-tasking. Specifically, watching chat and supporting / talking to others in teamspeak support rooms. As well as both watching for players who need in teamspeak, as well as in-game.

-Visual Skill:

After gaining a lot of knowledge within the area of closet cheating, ghost clients, and overall blatant clients, I can really tell when possible cheaters are using which type of hacks, or if they’re legit. I believe I don’t make many mistakes knowing when a player is screen share-worthy or not.

-Self-Control & Player Control:

I believe after being in intense scenarios while staffing, I feel confident when it comes to controlling myself, and well-explaining the situation to other players. While some players take competition extremely seriously, I tend to find ways to control players’ emotions and to help them as well as possible, even if it takes time. I try my best to stay calm during these scenarios, and I think I’ve been doing a good job at it.


Even for my age, I have confidence that I keep my maturity level maxed when assisting players and staff members in serious situations. Obviously, I will go off-topic and act less-mature around friends when in private, however I tend to stay on-track and stay mature when I need to be.

-Overall Activity:

When I find actual interest in a Network, I will take staffing very serious and become very active. Within my past experiences, I was sometimes told by Managers & Network Admins that I was very active, no matter what mood I was in or what rank I have achieved.

If I were to compare myself towards other applicants, I believe we manage to have similar skills, and I do know that of course some applicants are more qualified than me, but I know that I meet the requirements and for sure have enough skill to become on the Sage Staff Team.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?:

Tye aka Retrousse.

Additional Information?:

-Telegram: “@strapah”

-Discord: Strapah#9305


Active member

- toxic, (told me i should end my life) aka (he just said kys)
- immature.
- When you we're staff on BlueHCF you abused a lot.
- lying in ur application about maturity.



New member

- toxic, (told me i should end my life) aka (he just said kys)
- immature.
- When you we're staff on BlueHCF you abused a lot.
- lying in ur application about maturity.

Hello cobweb, may i ask when i told you to "end your life"? i dont recall ever saying anything like that.


Active member
Hello cobweb, may i ask when i told you to "end your life"? i dont recall ever saying anything like that.
On CavePvP you told me i should end my life aka "kys", all good man, just don't do that.

"Think before you say something"

- cobweb


New member
On CavePvP you told me i should end my life aka "kys", all good man, just don't do that.

"Think before you say something"

- cobweb
Interesting, i am on CavePvP's media team, if i told somebody to "end there life" i would have been demoted on the spot, maybe you have the wrong person, thank you!


Active member
Interesting, i am on CavePvP's media team, if i told somebody to "end there life" i would have been demoted on the spot, maybe you have the wrong person, thank you!
Already reported you to a Senior-Moderator, because he was checking ur chat-logs.

But I'm not going create any drama and Goodluck!


New member

- toxic, (told me i should end my life) aka (he just said kys)
- immature.
- When you we're staff on BlueHCF you abused a lot.
- lying in ur application about maturity.

I was literally manager he didn't abuse, don't false accuse him wtf LOL


New member
He has ups and downs
you didnt manage media or staff team on blue - Byres did aka me.
Give him a shot



Vouch for HCN
Everyone is -1ing because that one person said that he told him to kys, but it’s HCF, every person has said something a lot worse than that.


Head Admin
Anticheat Manager
On CavePvP you told me i should end my life aka "kys", all good man, just don't do that.

"Think before you say something"

- cobweb
So you want to say that you never told someone to kys? Bec 99% of the HCF community say that all the time. I'm pretty sure I also did that once and I still made my way on this server. (Not saying it's a good thing).

I will give you a -0.5 bec the color sceme is looking weirdly. You could try changing the color of the questions as a tip.
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