Denied Staff apply L_KD

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Elite Member
IGN (In Game Name):




Central Europe standard Time(CEST)



Do you have a good quality mic?:

Yes, I have a Business headset.

Do you have Telegram and Teamspeak?:

Yes, I have both telegram and Teamspeak, and I am fully capable of using both.

How many hours can you put in the server per week:

Monday: 3 - 6, 9-11pm
Tuesday: 5- 11pm
Wednesday: 4 - 6:30, 9-11pm
Thursday: 3 - 11pm
Friday: whole night till 8pm
Saturday: 10am - 12pm(every secound weekend)
Sunday: 10am - 12pm
(every secound Weekend)

Any past experiences in being a staff member?:


Untamed Fusion-

Rank: Admin

I was admin on an small faction Server thats already closed. I realy enjoyed beeing staff on it. I learnd many Things About beeing staff there.

Why do you want to become staff?:

I want to become staff on Sage because of the past experience I’ve had with the HCF community. I’ve been playing HCF for so long now, I feel like it’s the only gamemode I really enjoy. I would love to help out around the server and give the players on Sage what they deserve, a server that isn’t toxic, and where they don’t have to constantly worry about cheaters phasing into their bases. A server where players don’t have to wait for large amounts of time in Teamspeak for staff members to move them just for simple stuff, like to get revived, or to ask a question. I also want to help out the server with different ideas, to make sure the server doesn't fall off track and is still a great hcf Server that everyone loves. I want to try my best to make sure that the Server and Discord are clean from adverts, and toxic players as possible. I know that HCF is one of the most toxic game modes, but I think that we still need to push for it to be a little bit less toxic then it currently is.

Why should we accept you as staff?:
You should accept me as staff on Sage because I don't just want the rank to look cool in chat, I want the rank to help the server. I want the rank to make sure that the players on Sage don't have to constantly worry about being killed by hackers, and they are able to just go into Teamspeak when they have an issue and instantly get moved by a staff member. I also have a long list of traits which I contain, which could be crucial for a staff member to have on Sage which I have listed below.


I always have been, and always will be a very honest person. I feel like this should increase my chances of getting accepted due to the fact that I would never do anything to harm Sage, and then lie about it. On top of that if I see other staff members doing anything that they aren’t supposed to/allowed to be doing I will never just let them continue I will always intervene and make sure that the server is still a safe place to be.


In the past when I have become a staff member on a server I’ve never really left the server abruptly without any proper reasoning. I always stay loyal to server that I become staff on till it got shut down.


I’m always able to thoroughly communicate myself with other staff members, and I am always able to make sure that if someone is telling me something I am not just ignoring them, and I make sure I let their voice be heard.


I feel like respect is definitely a defiant trait for me. I always respect others, no matter what they do and or say to me I will always remember to respect them. Because I don’t know what they are going through behind the scenes, and I will never just disrespect someone off of only what I know.


I always try to be as active as I can, and when I am not on the server, I try to always be in Teamspeak and on the forums answering players questions. I feel like this is a huge trait for a staff member to have, because if you have a staff member that is extremely inactive then there is no point in having them on the staff team. When I am not able to be active or go inactive for a while I am fully capable of letting a staff member know in advance.


When I am not in game I always try my best to be in Teamspeak and help out players when I’m avaliable. I also will always constantly check support rooms to make sure everyone that is waiting for help can get moved as fast as possible, because I’ve been in their shoes before and now what it feels like to be waiting for hours in teamspeak just for support.


I try to stay as mature as I can in every situation possible. For my age, I can say that I am pretty mature, and I am capable of handling most situations maturely no matter how hard, or stressful they are.


No matter how high the stress level is, or how hard a situation is. I will always stay professional. This can help me out a lot as a staff member because I will always be able to handle situations even if they have a very high-stress level, and are hard to handle for other staff members,


Yes, my knowlidge About beeing staff is is not the best. But i know so much Things About the game generaly i am playing minecraft for above 5 years now. I can see it if someone is cheating or perl glitching.


I always try to be as patient as possible. No matter how long is something I always try to remember that something else could be happening that is way more important right now, and I just wait for the situation to be taken care of. I feel like this could help me a lot as a staff member because if I am waiting for a long time for someone to respond via telegram, or in-game I won't just start spamming them if they don't respond after a certain amount of time. I will have patience with them and give them time.

Additional Information:

My name is Leo im 16 and im playing Badminton in my free time.

Last edited:


Established member
Almost no experience

Almost no detail
This application was likely finished in under 10 minutes.
No effort.
No color scheme
(Read other applications to get an idea of how much detail should be in these applications)
Good luck,


Elite Member
Hey, i wantet to ask you if you can relook at it i spended much time on it but i accedantly sended my first Format of it in and not the new one.


Well-known member
Hey, i wantet to ask you if you can relook at it i spended much time on it but i accedantly sended my first Format of it in and not the new one.
If you're able to edit it, I suggest you do so. If not, you'll have to create a new thread and join and wait for a staff member to assist you.


Elite Member
Almost no experience

Almost no detail
This application was likely finished in under 10 minutes.
No effort.
No color scheme
(Read other applications to get an idea of how much detail should be in these applications)
Good luck,
It's way better now



I dont think you are fit to be a staff member just yet, learn from other applications
Good Luck



I literally suck at everything I have ever tried.
Hello @L_KD, thank you for taking the time to apply for a staff position on our network. Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one or more of these reasons;

- Lack of Playtime,
- Plagiarism,
- Immaturity / Toxicity,
- Lack of detail / Experience,
- Failing to meet the requirements.

You will be eligible to re-apply after two weeks. We suggest you take this time to improve your application.
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