Denied Staff Application

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New member
IGN: corvus49
Timezone: UTC +1/CET
Country: Sweden
Do you own a quality microphone? no
Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?: Yes Discord: corvus49 #1289 Teamspeak: corvus49 Telegram: Ali Isawi
Do you have any previous staff experiences?:
I Was staff on hamstercraft
Why do you want to become staff?:
i want to become staff to help the community: And I like to help other people: I see a lot of hackers and I want to ban them: every time I want staff to ban the hacker I don't see any:so I want to become staff cuz I am always active.
Why should we accept you as staff?: you should accept to cuz I am active always and I can help other people If the want I am always on discord/teamspeak and I teleport to random people so I can see if the are stuck or hacking or want help etc: and I have a youtube channel so I can record in the server and have proof of the hacker that is hacking and if something happened I will show the video to the owner.
Can any staff members on the team vouch for you?
i dont know any of them so no


Active member
I’m not sure if this was a joke, but the grammar is horrible, there is no elaboration anywhere, and you are using abbreviations.
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