Denied Staff Application


↬ IGN (In-Game Name): Unclaimable

↬ Age: 17

↬ Region (EU/NA/Other): EU

↬ Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes, I've been a staff member In almost every single bulgarian residence server most of the time I was a helper/mod. I have owned a hcf server with a retired staff member of sage but we didn't manage to start growing the server because he decided to quit minecraft. I've also been staff on a lot of hcf servers starting with CrownHCF (the biggest bulgarian hcf server) - Mod, FiercePvP - Trial-Mod, PolarPvP - Admin, HCSoul - Mod, VenomPW - Trial-Mod

↬ Why would you like to become a staff member?: I've been playing sagepvp since the start and I have hella experience with the server and players and I would like to help the other players and Improve the quality of server by banning cheaters and helping people as fast as possible. I'm also very mature when I should be and nothing can be achieved without maturity and the job cannot be done without maturity and you won't be respected. I get that people want to have fun a joke around but when it comes to staffing I think moderation should be taken serious for example if a player joins teamspeak you shouldn't be joking around and wasting the players time if you are not going to help the player because you dislike him or had past situations with him.

↬ If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: I believe that I can improve the players experience because of my staffing experience and maturity when it comes to serious stuff like moderating. I have worked in a lot of servers. Players hate when it takes long to get help in teamspeak and because of that I'll try to do my best to help them fast as I can. I've had a lot experience with staff during the years of playing hcf and there has been a lot of staff members who don't know how to do their job and I would like less players to exprience that, which is one of the reasons I'm applying.

↬ If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? I would rate my honesty a 9/10 because If I could deal with a situation by myself instead of telling someone that can get me or another person in trouble the truth I will deal with it at the best of my ability.

↬ Can any current staff members vouch for you?: holyhyper

↬ How active can you be (Hours per day): 6-8 hours (I'm currently on house arrest until I get a court date so during that time I can spend more time in the server after that 6-8 hours)

↬ What is your discord @?: Reduce#8293

↬ Additional Information (optional): Thanks for taking your time to read my application
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So basically he is very confident at this application but i remember you from only PolarPvP and FiercePvP.
Helped me at FiercePvP much thanks
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