Denied Staff Application

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Well-known member
IGN: Catastrophically
15 years old born in 2004 01/02/04

UTC+2 CEST Central European Summer Time
I am European or EU and I am one of the first people (first around 30) players online whenever the server is up
unless if it is down.
I am from Norway and still in Norway, I am also a translator for the server for Norwegians.
Do you own a quality microphone?:
Yes, i own a quality microphone, I currently have a Hyper-X which shouldn't have any problems with it.
Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak?:
Yes, I have Discord, Telegram and Teamspeak

My discord is badebil#0622

My telegram is @feelinglazy lazy

Do you have any previous staff experiences?:
I currently do not have any staff experiences, but I would love to learn and since I am a fast learner
I think I would do good and be a very recognizable and experienced staff member in the future as of now if i do get accepted.
I know the basic commands such as /kick /ban /mute /tempban and such, but I am not so sure of any other command or commands.

Why do you want to become staff?:
I would love to become a staff member on Sage because I would love to learn and help other players in game and maybe even catch a few hackers and screen-share them and look for the cheats.
I want to meet some of the other staff members, mainly the ones at the rank/level that I am at which is most likely going to be
Helper or Trial-Moderator

I am not a toxic person and i hope it will stay that way for the rest of my time on this server, I plan on to keep playing the server even though if my application gets denied or not, i hate toxicity as it is and i plan to be a good guy even though i get in a argument.

I am very active on the server and as I said (In the Tab: Timezone) since I am EU i am one of the first players on and i can help those whom are in look for a staff member since there MIGHT not be anybody on that could assist them during the timezone they have or maybe no staff members are on regardless of their Timezone.
I currently have ( ) 1d and 16h - 34m 18s on the server.

Communication is the most absolutely important thing to being a staff member, you have to have this its essential or else you wouldn't get anywhere.
What I mean with this is if you do not ask anyone (higher ups) for help or tips then you wouldn't get anywhere at all and everything would be hard and it would most likely be confusing and frustrating.

It's important to be trustworthy, or else you wouldn't have a very good relationship with those you work with as a staff member on the server and they wouldn't trust anything you say or you would be doubted about how much you have done (if there is a report schedule) about how much you have done or how many people you have banned then people wouldn't trust you about the numbers of people you have banned, muted, or kicked.
I am trustworthy, its irritating whenever someone you work with is somebody who you can't trust.
For example lying about what to do or whats right to do.

If you want to become a staff member, make sure you have read every single rule, if you don't and you get interviewed about what a few of the most easiest rules to memorize, then it will look bad for you and you will most likely get denied.
As a staff member you are required to know the rules, but if you forget a rule sometime/anytime then you can just ask another staff member or look in
The rules page on this server which you can find on the forums page under the "Information" Tab.

I am very dedicated on doing my work and i focus on my work after i do my homework if i do not have anything to do and i am bored i can find up fun ideas for events or even other things like things that can be added into the server or even fixed that people have told you that they should fix, that is if most people are lazy and don't want to submit a bug report in
You can also put in suggestions for what you think needs to be added or for new creative rules which can help the server a lot or maybe a filter for "bad language

I am very mature, at 15 years old i might sound older, but still that doesn't matter otherwise i am a very chill guy and i don't say random stuff or be toxic or just be dumb and do stupid stuff and act like i'm younger. I am very mature for my age and a reasonable person and fair guy. I love to joke and laugh, don't really care if someone is being toxic or something else at me i still treat them like any other person.

Respect is something you NEED as a staff member, if you do not have any type of respect then you will never be recommended for things, such as promotions instead you will be cast aside and disliked by others including players on the server because of your lack of respect to other players and your fellow staff members, simply not caring about anybody or not doing anything wouldn't gain you a reputation of being nice and helpful.

I am very professional at what i do, and that's what i think most staff members need whilst doing their jobs on the server helping other players, this includes how they talk to them, do things or say in chat to them, what to do and not forgetting what you do and bring in another staff member and instead start screaming for them to help you.

Forum Activity
Important to be active on the forums as a staff member so people recognize what you do and that you could maybe also give a few recommendations for a staff application or maybe even deny or accept the application that somebody has made, that is if you have permission to do so from a higher up.
Also you can help people on the forums with helpful questions if needed.

What i can do to help the server:

I'd love to have a go at playing the server as a Mod or any other rank that qualifies me helping other players or catching other hackers without needing to report it to Staff Members.
Make a good impression of myself, (spelling, grammar etc)
Get rid of filthy cheaters and make the players of Sage happy, and even give them some answers that they have been trying to get but couldn't find in the rules or any other person/place.

.(IRL Schedule).
Monday ~|~ 2:20 - 9/10
Tuesday ~|~ 2:20 - 9/10/11
Wednesday ~|~ 1:40 - 11
Thursday ~|~ 2:20 - 11:30
Friday ~|~ 2:20 - 0:30 AM
Saturdays and Sundays are from around 1:30 to 12 PM.

Why should we accept you as staff?:
You should accept me as a staff member since i have never been a staff member on any HCF server and would love some training and some insight on what to do as a staff member and how to talk to people.
I am not toxic, i am honest, trustworthy, a good communicator, an active person in the community (Includes Forums and In-game Game play)
I know i have no current experience to being a HCF Staff Member but i would love to become one and help other people.
I love to help people no matter what rank they are or what position they have in the community, doesn't matter if the person is toxic and hated in the community i still and i never have been biased in any type of situation even if its in another game or not. I want people to have a good time on the server and help them with the simplest of commands and more, i want to give them joy and give them a reason to play on the server, i also want to be active as a "Staff Member" if i get the role and help people in both timezone EU and US, I never abuse and never had abused in the time of me being staff on other servers (Not HCF Servers) I know 4 languages total (Norwegian, Arabic, Turkish and of course English) I have help of my parents to learn Arabic and Turkish not 100% there yet but still gives me a few more languages to go on if i screen share or talk to someone to translate for another staff member. I never get pressured, i have been staff on another game and whenever i was staff on there, even with the hardest tasks to do i never get pressured, like if somebody was Bot Spamming, which has happened on this server so that would be easier to fix due to my previous experience. I've been watching staff play HCF or administrate on other servers and i learnt a little bit of that and of which programs to use and which ones that are safe to use and which ones that are not safe to use at all. I know this might be weird to say but i actually know more English than i do my own Language which is Norwegian which i think is fairly weird, but still it is a privilege since i don't really talk Norwegian that much but i do type/speak English a lot with my family and relatives out of the Country, especially in Turkey (No not the animal/food the country)

I love minecraft as it is, I have been staff on servers, but absolutely none on any type of HCF Server, however i would love to become one so that is why i made this application, I do not remember the names of the servers as this was a very long time ago (around 4-5years) so i don't have a clear picture in my mind. Also the reason for why I talked about another game is to show how much i know and how much i can dedicate purely only on Minecraft since i have done it before (Using another game for example)
I know a fair bit of commands that should be the main ones that i should need which are /ban /tempban /mute /kick, i do not know the commands to revive players and give back their inventories but i will learn that in the future if i do eventually get accepted.
I have been playing Minecraft since it actually started just around 2 years before it started, my father made me a server which i could play with my cousins before and even a few friends that i knew from school. I loved Minecraft and since have been upgrading to HCF since i think that is very fun and doing other things like fighting other players, trapping you name it. My dedication to Minecraft is fairly big, i have no games to play other than minecraft and i like the video game nonetheless even if my friends do not like it.
I plan on playing the game until i resign or be demoted (if it gets accepted, referring to my staff application)
I am a like-able person and i love to talk to people.

HCF Experience
I have HCF Experience, however i do not have any HCF Staff Experience but i have been playing HCF for a long time and i have tried to apply on Forcide but since the server has gone down that has no chance for me and i will never try on Velt, or holyhcf or any other servers since i like this one better.

Why are my reasons for playing and applying for Sage
I love the game and i also love HCF, however i dislike VIPER and Velt and other HCF servers because they have a big community and they tend to be fairly toxic and be aggressive and hard to start out on, that's why i decided to play and apply for Sage.

Can any staff members on the team vouch for you?:
None of the staff members on the team currently can vouch for me sadly of those whom i know of.
Additional information:
My in real life name is George and i love to talk to people and play video games with others and be positive and have a good community and even play with others out of the video game world and play outside with friends and others.
I am 15 years old born in 2004 01/02/04 at "Oslo" Cannot tell you where i currently live but its down south of Norway :)
A likeable person, chill guy and i love to talk.

Also, when i talked about another game (Garry's Mod)
It was to display how much i can dedicate to this game (Minecraft) and how mature i am and how valuable and worthy i can be being a staff member by helping players and even fellow staff members, i know have mentioned this before but if you haven't seen that then you can see that here.
I do not have any experience as HCF, but if i am trying to make an application to become staff... Then what type of chance would i get to become staff on other servers if i ever wanted to or needed to?

Please tell me what i can add or do better in this application.
Thank you.
Sincerely "feelinglazy"

Oh and, i almost forgot please tell me if there are any grammar mistakes in this application and i will fix them asap.​
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Known member
- You dont meet one of the requirements (You dont meet the HCF Staff experience requirement//Any staff experience at all)
- Grammer and Punctuation Errors


Known member
But the reason I gave you -1 is because of the requirements, in this case is that you dont have any staff HCF excperience // Any staff experience at all


Well-known member
But the reason I gave you -1 is because of the requirements, in this case is that you dont have any staff HCF excperience // Any staff experience at all
Thank you for giving me that information.
I am not English and I do also forget sometimes so I'm sorry.
I have my Norwegian Keyboard so therefor it gets changed all the time and i can't do anything about it so it is very annoying.
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