Denied Staff Application


↬ IGN (In-Game Name):

↬ Age:
I recently turned 16 in January.

↬ Region (EU/NA/Other):
EU (I live in Ireland)

↬ Do you have any previous staff experience?:
Media Manager / Faction Manager
300-500 Players

400-600 Players

Peaked 1000 Players
Server Closed

↬ Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I have the same goal as every other staff member on the server, and that is to do the right thing in order to help this community. Although I’ve had a lot of experience on other, very populated servers, none of them have been quite like SagePvP. I have been looking forward to applying for some time and I don’t want to throw it away. I want to help out the best I can, put in the effort and (hopefully) receive a good outcome. I know how to use staff permissions in an appropriate manner, how to be fair when it comes to conflict, and how to handle situations. This is why I believe you can trust me with this role. I’m constantly helping new players who have questions in chat. I stay involved with the community, I try to give my opinion on matters in chat etc. I guess you could say I have been showing my face and putting myself out there. I talk to staff quite frequently, and have made friends with few of the staff team. For this reason, I feel like the chemistry between the staff and I would be good if I were to be accepted. As well as making friends with the staff team, I’ve made friends with normal members of the community, both donators and non-donators. In general, I’ve had a really good time on Sage and ever since I’ve had the want to apply.

↬ If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
I’ve learned what it’s like to mature, make friends, and have the true satisfaction of knowing you've done right when reporting a player who has done wrong. I want to move on from my toxic history and do the most for the community that I could possibly do, and that’s why I’m applying today. People in this wonderful community have encouraged me to apply for staff, they saw me fit for the position when I didn’t believe in myself. I have huge knowledge when it comes to cheats, disallowed modifications and screensharing due to the vast amount of experience I have had in these areas. I’ve helped every player who has needed assistance when there was no-one else to help them. I think there are plenty of qualities that make me suitable for this staff position, I will list just a few of them for you to read over.

I have excellent Leadership skills. I can work in or out of a group, I can have others rely on me and I know when to rely on others. If a group needs a leader, I am always happy to volunteer myself and volunteer someone else if I see they’re more fit for the situation.

I’m a very organized person, because of my organization skills I’ve got better work ethic, efficiency, and can get things done quicker and neater.

Communication is a key component to success. Whether it’s problems, situations or ideas, my communication is of excellent standard all round and I’m always able to get my point across when needed.

I am very reliable. I will be able to fulfil any needs you may have, I am very responsible when it comes to all choices and decisions that I make.

Because of these qualities, along with many more, I believe I’m very suitable for this staff position and I would hope others would agree amongst seeing my efforts to help this community.

↬ If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
10, I believe that honesty is at the forefront of building and maintaining trust, both within oneself and with others. As a result, I strive to always be truthful in my words and actions, and to present myself authentically in all situations. I understand that honesty can sometimes be difficult or uncomfortable, but I believe it is important to always communicate openly and transparently. In both my personal and professional life, I have found that being honest has led to stronger relationships, increased self-awareness, and a sense of integrity that I am proud of. I believe that being honest is essential in any workplace, and I am committed to maintaining this value in all my interactions and decisions as a member of a team.

↬ How active can you be (Hours per day):
During School Days: 2-3 hours per day
Weekends / No School: 4-5 hours per day

↬ What is your telegram @?:
My telegram is @hasinet.

↬ What is your discord @?:
My discord is @hasin#5165.
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message @stardtb on telegram to arrange an interview.
i'm an ex sage staff and bro literally said I didn't have to make another app since I was a good staff when he was staff manager mad confused brodie