Denied Staff application


New member
IGN (In-Game Name): Nateblade
Age: 16
Region (EU/NA/Other): EU
Do you have any previous staff experience?: mod on coldnetwork (HCF server), manager on doritosnetwork (HCF server), manager on fade network (HCF server), admin on stonecraft (factions server), helper on enviouspvp (factions server).

Why would you like to become a staff member?: I would consider myself very mature and very professional when I have to, in my real life and when in the virtual world. If I were not capable of doing so, than me being a staff member would be pointless. Despite this though if I want to muck around I would do it in free time not when I'm working for the server. Without this quality, players will think ''this person being a staff member is a joke'' and will not take it seriously. Helpful I like helping people just in everyday life I have always been respectful no matter what the circumstances and helping people makes me happy. Receiving help from someone experienced is something I wish I had when I have joined other servers. Dealing with Problems, I would say when I deal with problems, I am very fair in how I undertake it. If I were to have to settle an argument between my close friend and another random person, I would not be biased and make sure both sides of the story are told to come to a conclusion of what should be done to resolve the issue. Time on Server I have spent quite a bit of time on the server to just talk to people and to help people in the lobby's. I also use it to help people get better at PVP. I wouldn't call myself a pro, but I know a few things. Humble I know this isn't a humble thing to say, but I have been told I am but Minecraft players and in my actual day-to-day life. Recording I think this is extremely important to have evidence of cheaters or abusive players in chat/team speak e.t.c. Without evidence, it is hard to show how the banned/muted player is in the position they are. I have recording software and screenshot taking software which is fast and easy to use, so I won't miss any evidence. Good Listener I like to hear what people have to say first before making a conclusion so that it is fair and just. This also makes players feel special and important and that there is someone they can rely on. I also like to be the person who someone can go to and feel like then can talk without being judged. Confident I fell confident when talking or messaging players I am not easily rattled by nerves and I have good composure especially when dealing with heated or tense situations. Fast Typing I know I am a fast typer and I trained in touch typing while in school which allows me to type quickly without having to look down at my keyboard. This is also useful for when having to mute or ban people before they make another player angry. It is also useful to give players a quick response, so they don't have to wait long to get a reply from staff. Loyalty I am a very loyal person in general, and I always come through in my promises. There is only one thing that could do this and that is to be a life and death situation, otherwise I always come through. I am a dedicated person and if I receive this job/place as a staff member I will do, to my best ability, anything that is required of me. Situations 1. Admin abuse I would report him/her to higher staff 2. Players or staff in Team speak being abusive To Try to calm them down and if they refuse to stop move them to a different room and speak to them reasonably to still try to calm them down. If abusiveness still is ongoing, I will mute them or report to a senior member of staff. 3. Player comes to Team speak to make ban appeal Screenshare with them if nothing dodgy is found report to senior member of staff to double-check, and they will make the decision. WHY I WANT TO BE STAFF:I would like to be a staff member just to assist and help players and to stop the increasing amount of hackers on this server.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

In my life, I was honest every time I said something just because I knew that if I will LIE to get me out of trouble, i would be a nothing. You know, it's not good to be honest EVERYTIME because, sometimes, you actually need to lie to protect the ones you love. I am not saying that I am encouraging something like lying, but I say that sometimes, you need to sacrifice yourself for other’s sake of good.

Good Behavior
Now, regarding my behavior, I have to say that I always act nicely even with the people who hate me. My previous staff experiences taught me what is a good behavior and how to please anyone in my way, so i ve paid attention and I have to say I am a better person now.
I know that some people may say that human beings can't change, but I totally disagree. If you put your mind to it, and you also want the world to be a better place, you will try to change, no matter what.

Good Screensharer
On the server I've been manager on, I also was a ss-manager. Some may say that you have a SS tool that do your job. It's true, but if you have to SS someone manually because of his computer. It happened to me multiple times and I dealt with it because that's what a good staff can do. I really think that is a big plus in your ''career'' as I can say in being a staff member

I really can say I can be trusted because I am a man that keeps his words towards people and I can assure that. So many ex staff members asked me to do something for them because they've had to go, and I really did it because I like to do what I am saying. I am not that kind of person who would let someone down just so I could have higher chances of promotions. That is not what is the most important thing. Instead of aiming for a promotion, just aim at getting staffs trust and if you have that, you can be happy about your achievement.

In my "careers" as a staff member on multiple servers, I've learned how professionalism really goes. You have to mind your own business and do your job like no one is talking to you. If someone is being toxic to them, do not respond, because that will mean you care more about that player said about you than what you actually need to do. Personally, I am not minding what are people saying about me IG or IRL because I am aiming for one thing that can get me good, Professionalism

I have to say that I am really working hard on what I want to achieve. And I will not stop till I succeed. I have to say that I might be, sometimes, a weirdo just because of the facts that I am dedicating too much only to 1 thing. I consider that right, but it can be a benefit because if you aim only for one thing, you can focus more on obtaining that.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? 9/10

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) No

Additional Information?: Languages i speak: Main language: Dutch. I speak fluently English, decent in german, french and serbian. And i am learning swedish.