Denied Staff Application


Staff Application Format:

IGN (In-Game Name): Sxoda

Age: 15

Region (EU/NA/Other): NA

Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes, I have been staff in many servers, FaithfulMc, BattleHcf, WaterMc and HolyHcf, in FaithfulMc I reached the mod rank, in BattleHcf as well, and in Water and Holy, only TrialMod, in all those servers my best work and my best effort and always gave a good performance in the tasks he had as staff. I have also been staff on other servers, but not so well recognized, they were good servers, there were a lot of people but most of them only came to TrialMod, since a problem always occurred, since they were new servers and closed, or only disappeared from the nothing

Why would you like to become a staff member?: As I want to help improve the servers, that there are no hackers, and eliminate the toxic community, I want the server to be a good place, where if you are going to play, have fun and have fun, what's more, I like to help the users, and if I do a good job, users will stay longer playing, since they like to play, and have fun on the server, another reason is that I love the server, and I would like to be able to moderate every day and I also want learn from experiences, also, that they learn from my experiences and have a connection with staffs and users

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: Well, I would try to eliminate the hackers, so the players are in the same circumstances, also to the toxicity so the players would not feel harassed or bothered by other players, also if any user needs help, I will always be there to help them, either in the game, in ts, or discord, I also want to add, that I like to do ss, and help others, so I will do a good job

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?: 10, because well, I give you an example, in this interview I am being 100% sincere, since obviously I am writing what I have learned over time, and another example, I would always tell the truth to a staff, a player or Whoa, since I do not see the point of lying, since at some point, they will discover you here for example, if I am accepted, and I am lying, when it comes to being a staff I will not know anything, but obviously, I will time to be a staff, I'm going to do a good job

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) No, but I still hope to get into the staff team!

Additional Information?: The only thing I have to add is that, whether they accept me or not, I will understand the reason, and if they accept me, I will do my best on the server, and I will do everything right
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Awesome Dude
Thanks for taking the time to create an application, but we won't be moving forward with it at this time.