Denied Staff Application

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New member
IGN (In-Game Name):
Region (EU/NA/Other):

Do you have any previous staff experience?:

Yes, on Valor, Wazeem(Partner on SagePvP can vouch for me)
Why would you like to become a staff member?:

First, I would like to say that I really enjoy the community Sage. I would like to be a staff member for a lot of reasons. When you have experience talking to staff / interacting with staff members as a player you learn what to do and not do within reason so you do not piss people off. My experience with staff below the rank of Mod ( trial mod ) has been mostly been sub-par because of their judgment. I feel as though if I were to become a Staff. I would not be so "1 sided," and not assume the worst in every situation, as I have experienced trial mods have done in the past. I feel like I will be able to see things from the players perspective, which in the long run I feel will improve the interactions players have with lower-level staff members. Don't get me wrong. I want to be able to do what they do and help people out. And help the Sage community in any ways this is one of the most important reasons I would like to become a Staff member, this is why my main goal would be to improve the players' experience. I also will have a lot of time to help people since my country is on lockdown, which means I would be online the whole day and help people out.
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I would like to help people in the Teamspeak and the discord and help them as much as possible. I will also staff in-game of course by banning, muting, and kicking people if necessary to improve people their experience.
If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
8/10 I think.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

Additional Information?:

I would like to thank anyone who has read this application and make sure to leave some comments on what I should improve on in my application.


Active member
IGN (In-Game Name):
Region (EU/NA/Other):
Do you have any previous staff experience?:
Yes, on Valor, Wazeem(Partner on SagePvP can vouch for me)
Why would you like to become a staff member?:
First, I would like to say that I really enjoy the community Sage. I would like to be a staff member for a lot of reasons. When you have experience talking to staff / interacting with staff members as a player you learn what to do and not do within reason so you do not piss people off. My experience with staff below the rank of Mod ( trial mod ) has been mostly been sub-par because of their judgment. I feel as though if I were to become a Staff. I would not be so "1 sided," and not assume the worst in every situation, as I have experienced trial mods have done in the past. I feel like I will be able to see things from the players perspective, which in the long run I feel will improve the interactions players have with lower-level staff members. Don't get me wrong. I want to be able to do what they do and help people out. And help the Sage community in any ways this is one of the most important reasons I would like to become a Staff member, this is why my main goal would be to improve the players' experience. I also will have a lot of time to help people since my country is on lockdown, which means I would be online the whole day and help people out.
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
I would like to help people in the Teamspeak and the discord and help them as much as possible. I will also staff in-game of course by banning, muting, and kicking people if necessary to improve people their experience.
If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
8/10 I think.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)
Additional Information?:
I would like to thank anyone who has read this application and make sure to leave some comments on what I should improve on in my application.


Plagiarism -


Thanks for taking the time to make an application, but we won't be moving forward with it at this time
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