Denied Staff Application

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New member
IGN - Bar0na
Age - 15
Region - EU
Do you have any previous staff experience? - Yes in 1 Bulgarian Server i was admin with 100+ people daily and i was Mod on Wartic EU
Why would you like to become a staff member? - I Want to help the server grow alot and i want to stop people from hacking , swearing and have a nice community around me so that more people would like to come and play on the server
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience? - I would suggest making some new koth i can build one myself if that's possible i can surely help the people with everything i know
If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? - 10 , because i don't like lying because sometime the truth will be seen and if i do that myself i would probably get rejected/demoted
Can any current staff members vouch for you? - sadly no (optional)


Well-known member

-Lack of Detail
-No proof of Experience
-Add more Detail to "Why do you want to become staff?" and "Why should we accept you as staff?"
Your better off applying for the builder rank, only if you know how to build

Good luck,
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