Denied Staff Application

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IGN: DestructingGOD
Age: 14
Timezone: UTC +7 CET
Do you own a quality microphone?yeah its from my headphones COUGAR IMMERSA PRO.
Do you have Discord, Telegram, and Teamspeak? Discord - DestructingGOD#3755 / @420Vicous / Have Teamspeak.
Do you hakve any previous staff experiences?:Yeah i was staff in DreamHCF,IronCrat and Wartic.
Why do you want to become staff?:Because in the morning there are a lot of cheaters and there are not any staff online and a lot of peolpe glitch in other guy′s bases and killing them.
Why should we accept you as staff?:I will help you with screen sharing other guys.
Additional Information:I am bulgarian / old nick:VIcous_420
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