Denied --Staff Application Noobi--


↬ IGN (In-Game Name):

↬ Age:

↬ Region (EU/NA/Other):

Do you have any previous staff experience?:
Ex Staff on: Tiral mod//demoted --in game
Evilmc// mod // demoted-- in game
ViperMC /helper/tranlator/ only in TS
Astrely Network // mod+ boxPVP / mod -SS - kitPVP
AstralMC // tiral mod // demoted / TS translator/helper

↬ Why would you like to become a staff member?:
Hello, I would like to be a staff in sagepvp to be able to help the Hcf Kitpvp community and throughout the server as well as in discord and TS and I want to contribute my help to improve the experience of the players as well as make them feel comfortable at the moment That they help them with something both in TS or in the game or outside of it, I still want to be a staff to be able to improve what the Staff's job is, and I also want to help them as much as possible both in the game and outside of it and improve the server together with the staff team and I want to be a staff because I want to show that I am good at my job as a staff and that I have many things to help them and I also know how to work as a team and a lot of things so I could help in the staff team and I want to support the community of hard core faction or HCF

↬ If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

I would help everyone on the server and the network also if necessary to the staffs if they need help, and I am a translator within sagepvp so I could help them in being a staff and translator, as well as in the experience of others supporting in users at all times so that they can play comfortably and without any risk of losing the sagepvp experience, as well as it could help a lot in terms of communication, translation, chat moderation, server moderation, and help throughout the day to the users of HCF and kits and the network so that they can continue playing without any error or something that bothers them, I could record to have proof of the people who need help as well as I can give all my attention to the admin owners staffs and SagePVP users

↬ If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

I would give myself a score of 9/10 because I am quite honest when talking to someone superior to me in a job or a user like me, just as I am honest when working with someone in a team and I don't like to tell lies since that could give me problems in the future or at that moment so I like to be honest at all times and more when I work

↬ Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)

not for now .

↬ How active can you be (Hours per day):

Monday: 5-7 hrs per day
Tuesday: 4-6 hrs per day
Wednesday: 6-8 hrs per day
Thursday: 5-7 hrs per day
Friday: 4-6 hrs per day
Saturday: 4-5 hrs per day
Sunday: 6-8 hrs per day

At the moment I do not work and I do not study either so my dedication would be to the server at all times and days

↬ What is your discord @?:

↬ Additional Information (optional):
thanks for the help on TS sagepvp and in general I really appreciate that and good luck to me