Denied Staff appeal Treays

IGN (In-Game Name): Treays. Old ign UNZOS

Age: 18 almost turning 19

Region (EU/NA/Other): EU but I play na timezones to

Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes I have been staff on Hcteams for about 6 months, I got up to admin, but I left the comunnity after 2 weeks of being an admin , so consider me a mod.

Why would you like to become a staff member?: I always had the staff position in me,I just love to do it, and do alot of pc stuff myself like programming etc. I know alot about hcf, and how everything works, same for being a staff I know alot about it. I would consider myself a professional staff since I had a good run before on the best server back then, I learned alot from them . I Love to help people, and I would like to make the server greater with my input. I am ready for it and exited to be a staff member again if I would get accepted.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: I would give my 100% to support the players and the staff team. With that I mean being active,helping people with there questions/problems as many as I could. I would give everyone a fair experience , and a fun time on the server.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? I would like to give myself a 10/10, because I trade people ecaly, I make sure everything happens the corect way, but this is more me as a person. I have just always been like this and I put myself to honesty. I will threat everyone with respect and be patient at the right times.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) I dont really know anyone from the current staff list of there igns.

Language: English and Dutch

Activity: 6+ hours a day.

Positivity: Being positive in my actual life made me a greater person . I am always trying to make people happy . As a staff member, positivity is one of the most important things. If someone is upset or mad in TeamSpeak I will try to help them and get the better of the situation and make them as happy as possible. Whether that is solving their problem or evening starting a personal conversation with them.

Communication: Whenever I am on my computer, I am always on discord. I can easily switch that over to TeamSpeak and be there all the time. So I will actively be communicating with other staff and players on the server in both TeamSpeak and Discord any time I possibly can. I also find it fun to talk to others in stuff like Team Speak and Discord . So I will most likely always be in a TeamSpeak call or discord call in the server with another.

Mature: I do have a big sense of humor but I know when to act professional and to act responsibly. I also do understand when a situation requires me to act seriously or when the situation is about a serious topic I know when to control myself and how I act. Knowing the person I am, I personally believe that I am mature

Recording; I got a goodsetup and I can record. I got alot of good tools for it to

Additional Information?: I cant really say more that I am exited, and really wanna get back in the old roots.

I read the specifications, and I fit in all of them. tele, teamspeak and discord avaible. I would love to get an new experience and learn from this community I also hope to learn even more things on sagepvp. I would strive my way to get the best out of myself.


Well-known member

-no proof of staffing experience
-written really bad regarding punctuation, spelling, and grammar
-little to no detail and almost no effort
I would of loved to put it for you, but there is no listing and I didnt record back then. The only thing I could say again is ask hcteams staff members.


New member
This guy is a professional staff, he was staff on hcteams + very chill guy, he should get a chance here


Active member
-1 Most likely got friends to +1 since they've only commented on this application