Denied Staff App

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Kibes' Pet
IGN (In Game Name): Seducive

Age: 15

Timezone: Est

Country: United States

Do you own a quality microphone?: Yes

Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?: All three. Disc- Seducive#6653 Tele- @ignSeducive

Do you have any previous Staff Experience?: Pvpclub- I was staff on Pvpclub for a couple of months.I got staff on Pvpclub to help me with my experience of being staff just so I could apply for Sage! Pvpclub was a hcf/kitmap server but now it is a practice and kitmap server. The most players we got was 40-50 but I learned a lot from helping those 40-50 players everyday!

SagePvP- I was also staff on Sage for quite a while and I made it all the way to admin but got demoted to mod + for immaturity so I resigned after that to take a break and start being more mature but I resigned on good terms.


HcRival: I started out as a Trial-Mod on HcRival and got to Sr-Admin within a month or two of being there. HcRival was really fun until everything started going downhill. I left because of all the recent events that happened there and I actually helped alot there. I left on good terms with Rival and I still talk to Ethan. I also had Media-Management at one point and Head Of Screenshare before I left.


Why do you want to become Staff?: I want to become staff member on Sage because I think I could be a really big help. As I was a staff member on here before, I helped a lot of people and helped Botings do some of his stuff so he could have more time on his hands. I really enjoyed helping everyone whenever I was staff on here and it was really fun. All the staff members especially made it a really good time because on bad days they would just make them good. I know I might not have left on good terms but I can you tell you now that I have really matured and promise that it wont be like last time. I was really immature last time and I know that but I have really changed since I've left. Sage was one of the best servers that I staffed on and it was really challenging but exciting at the most.

Why should we accept you as a Staff?:

I am a very professional individual, making sure that any of my work is done with very high caliber quality and expertise. I will work towards maintaining a professional environment on the staff team, both on the forums, in-game, and on TeamSpeak. I will double check any posts or work to make sure they are correctly done/stated, and that they show the hard work and dedication. I will maintain the network's image to make sure that future potential players see the network as something that is enjoyable and high quality. Professionalism is required to make anything great, and this is the same for a staff team, as on a staff team, professionalism is really the core value of the job.

I am able to efficiently lead any individuals in the right direction, giving them advice that can help them in improving their ability to do work correctly. People typically look for leaders in anything that they do, so that they can learn from them and use that learning experience to improve. I am able to provide this learning experience and I know how to correctly do it without causing any confusion or problems. I will lead anyone on the staff team in the right direction, teaching them how to properly fulfill their job, if they are in need of it.

As a staff member I would assume the responsibility of using my powers correctly. I will not abuse my powers in any way, for personal gain, or for the benefit of others. I will punish any user accordingly and properly, regardless of if they are a friend or not. I will be unbiased in every situation and will give the same chances/opportunities to any user regardless of their past history. If I make any mistake I will tell higher officials of what I did and I will own up to my actions. I will take responsibility for everything that I do as both a player and a staff member. As a staff member, you must acknowledge that all of these aspects are what makes you a great staff member that would genuinely improve the network.

I have always upheld positive morals and will continue to do so, as it helps you in living a healthy life. Being a decent person will allow you to not become a person that is disliked by many. Toxicity is a major problem within the hardcore factions community, and the trait can be seen in many staff members throughout various servers, which is sad. I am a friendly person, and I will provide a lot of things for anyone if they ask nicely for it. I love talking to any user and having a genuine conversation, or just developing a friendship as it truly helps both people in feeling better about themselves, and about each other. However, I understand the proper etiquette of being a decent person, and realize that you must treat everyone with respect in order to develop important relationships and to develop a good network. I am a compassionate individual and I help anyone regardless of their past, not holding grudges against any user, always giving a second chance to those in need of one. Decency is really important in being a good staff member, and I believe that I uphold decency well and would be a great staff member who is not toxic in any way.

Teamwork is very important in completing tasks efficiently and correctly. In many instances, teamwork is a required ability of any worker and is needed in doing things properly. I am a team player, and I will always be willing to work towards a common goal with others to improve upon it as much as possible. As a team you are able to see things from different perspectives and allows you to truly see where flaws lie and how to fix them. Working as a team is important in developing strategies and solutions to problems and is a character trait that is needed of any staff member to perform the job correctly.

Can any staff member vouch for you?: 57x

Additional Information: Thank you for taking time to read my application! Have a wonderful day!
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Veteran Member

Good Senior-Admin + Media Manager + Head of SS on HCRival before.

Can vouch for HCRival.
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