Denied Staff Aplication [LT]

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New member
IGN (In Game Name):
Do you own a quality microphone?:
I own a Microphone, but it doesn't have the best quality.
Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?:
Yes, all three.
Do you have any previous Staff Experience?:
Faithful- Trial Moderator
HolyHCf - Moderator
Valux (x1) - Moderator

Why do you want to become Staff?:
Firstly, I would like to be a part of the rapid SagePVP growth and be able to nurture and help the community in any way possible. I would like to do this in a way that is professional and doesn't effect the servers reputation. I am also looking to really help Sage secure a top spot in the HCF scene and allow it to constantly compete with the big servers. I want to work with a staff team that is like no other and work under higher ups that are passionate and know what they are doing. I have a lot of crazy and new ideas for the server that will help the staff team and the server grow and become a better all rounder. I've just finished my exams at school and have 12 weeks day in day out of pure time to give to the server, I will show commitment and use the time I have effectively. All in all, staffing is fun and comes with great advantages, but I'm not about the fancy name tag and perks. I'm interested in cleaning up the server from cheaters, helping out the players that make Sage what it is and finally making sure that this server can compete with the larger ones.
Why should we accept you as a Staff?:
Loyalty: I am a loyal person that sticks to what he has been assigned to, information and important things are safe with me.

Time: Honestly, due to these 12 weeks off I will be able to dedicate around 5-6 Hours daily to the server, even more depending on whether I am working or not.

Maturity: I am 15 years old, many my age are immature but people often say to me that I'm so mature for my age and that my mental age is double my age.

Passion: I am a very passionate person and believe that I can give 110% to everything I will do on this server, I will show passion throughout no matter in good or bad times.

Leadership: As the eldest in my family and the captain for my local county football team I would say that I am a natural born leader and that I am able to lead through everything. This is a key part of me as hopefully in the future if I am able to secure the role at Sage I will be hoping to move on the larger things and positions on the server and my leadership will get me there.

Understanding: I have a really good understanding of the role that I will be given at first. I know how to act in an according manor on the server and use the role to help other staff and players.

Trust: I am a very trustworthy person and feel like I am a very approachable person. As I have stated previously that I am good at keeping information safe and important things are always in safe hands with me.

Experience: I am an experienced induvial and have some really good past experiences that will allow me to perform to my highest ability and show what I have learned in my time as a staff member at those other servers.
Can any staff member vouch for you?:

No they can't unfortunately.

Fell free to give me your opinions and thoughts about the application and me.
Fell free to pm me with any sort of question.


Established member
I already said -1 but -2 because you already applied once before.
Keep in mind you can Edit your other post.​


I literally suck at everything I have ever tried.
Hello @DovydasGt, thank you for taking the time to apply for a staff position on our network. Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one or more of these reasons;

- Lack of Playtime,
- Plagiarism,
- Immaturity / Toxicity,
- Lack of detail / Experience,
- Failing to meet the requirements.

You will be eligible to re-apply after two weeks. We suggest you take this time to improve your application.
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