Denied Spult's Staff Application

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Well-known member
IGN (In-Game Name): spult

Age: 15

Region (EU/NA/Other): NA

Do you have any previous staff experience?:

Manager | HCKingdoms
- 70+ Players
- Resigned / Shutdown
Proof- Here

RoyalHCF | Senior Mod
- 100+ Players
- Resigned
Proof- Here

Mod+ | RoseHCF
- 100+ Players
- Resigned
Proof- N/A

Helper | SagePvP
- 500+ Players
- Demoted
Proof- Here

Sr Admin| KrakenHCF
- 70+ Players
- Resigned
Proof- Here
Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I have tons of reasons why I want to become staff on Sage. I firstly want to apologize for my actions when I was at Sage about 2-3 weeks ago I'm going to be straight up with everyone going into Sage I had a great time I had a dedication to Sage. I know you get that a lot but I can truly say I'm a grinder and I'm willing to be on all day my first week of Sage I maintained around 3 1/2 days of playtime keep in note playtime doesn't matter too much but again I did ALOT in that timespan but I'm not going to bore you with saying this so I'm going to begin my application on why I should be back.

I want to become staff because I have dedication and determination when it comes to staffing especially at Sage I genuinely love the community that they have brought onto their server and it's such a big network and I would kill for a second chance. With me being active that comes with a lot of things I cant just be active and not do anything while playing my role and being active I can ban active cheaters who are blatantly cheating on the Network, Muting people who are breaking the rules on the staff guide, I can be wandering around as well looking for pearl glitches as that's how I got most of my bans. And I can't even express how much I love doing support rooms on Sage as well there's always support rooms to do and talking with other players and helping them out is something I just love to do I love meeting new people and fixing their problems. I'm not going to hate on the staff team because I actually loved talking to a lot of the people here at Sage but when some staff did support rooms and they had the permission to help they would tend to get lazy and just move them to Specific and not really finish what that person started. My whole goal of being active and playing my role is to just get promoted fast as possible so I can deal with these people I willing to spend up to 20 minutes in a support room to help someone out I want everyone to get what want if something bad happens, for instance, a pearl glitch.

I can incorporate some great ideas as I have had a lot of known networks in the HCF community use my ideas. I know it can be very hard to think of some new ideas especially since HCF has been going on for years and it's very hard to think of new ideas to bring. With me being the creative person I am I can keep Sage not becoming stale and dying out I have many ideas I can show them and bring in. I know staffing is supposed to be my main job whilst being here at Sage but there's no harm in giving new ideas as a staff member I just want to provide a great experience for the players so that Sage can grow in numbers and exceed as many players as these other HCF servers get.

Bans & Mutes
Being a staff means getting punishments to show that you are active and playing your role like I have stated millions of times I am dedicated to any big Network I get staff at I want to provide a great experience for all so people don't get cheated on and they end up dying. I want everyone to have a fun experience and not have to run into a cheater each time they run outside of their base.

Support Rooms
Support rooms can always be a difficult task for everyone its possible to slip up sometimes with me being a Helper I can, first of all, dedicate time to sit in a Support Room and move people in and help them out I will make sure I play my role as a Helper and greet everyone with respect. I can deal with any issue a Helper can deal with and I'm super in love with doing support rooms as I get to meet new people and help them out.

Helpops & Communication
Now, this is what I want to touch on the most when I was staff I never saw a single staff tp to someone if they helpoped with a bug again not hating just listing things that I can do whilst staff here. When someone helpoped saying there's a cheater most of the time I would tp and there would be a cheater or If there was a pearl glitcher there would be a pearl glitcher. If I see a helpop I will help them and make it so that their issue is resolved I don't want that player to be unhappy and not enjoy playing Sage that's why I take action on helpops and watch out for anyone who does them.

I know I cant really shed light on Professionalism because I just got demoted for something that makes me not very professional but I can assure you before all of that I was very dedicated and mature going into Sage I greeted everyone with respect.

I have a lot of strengths and no you won't hear the other strengths I had in my other application because I'm not going to straight copy everything I had to say on my other one. My first Strength has to be creativity I have such a creative mindset and with that, I can bring new ideas into the server making the game mode stay fresh and new always. I'm focused I always like finishing that task I start I don't let it drift off into my mind and I forget about it I make sure I remember and finish what I started. Lastly, Patience and I listed this as a weakness in my last application but now I feel like I have evolved from that and become patient with others when I'm talking with them I let them speak and get there word out and I sit patiently waiting and helping them out it kind of ties into being Helpful.

I do indeed have a couple of Weakness and I'm pretty sure everyone has some so for me I learn a different way than others I like to see a representation of something. Some things I can catch onto pretty easily but most of the time I like having a visual representation of something as that's how I prefer to learn but again I'm capable to read and understand things.

I would consider myself pretty mature I'm never toxic towards anyone unless it's friends I know we usually can mess around and just be friends and it's not really toxicity it's more picking on and having a laugh. I have respect for everyone and I approach everyone with a great mood I don't like being known as someone who is toxic and treats others with disrespect as it sheds tons of light on you and people don't like that especially if you try applying for a staff position. If I had to rate my maturity out of 10 I would probably say 7.5 because yes I can sometimes have my ways with my friends.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:

All these things that I list are stuff I can provide at Sage and make it so the players have an enjoyable experience.

Creativity & New Ideas
As I stated in my old application I use to be a builder on Sage and with that does come to some creativity because if your a builder and you don't have a creative mindset you shouldn't build as you won't have many ideas to bring to the table and you won't do your best work. I have so many ideas on my mind that Sage could use I give ideas to Viper and they are always using them. I know a lot of players would love the stuff I implemented because it would benefit the Base Raiding side of HCF and the team fighting.

With me being active I can provide a clean experience by banning cheaters that are cheating on the server and people who are abusing glitches to kill others I heavily feel the need to be active as that's important to keep the Network running and cheater free.

Being Involved
If there's a big project the whole staff team needs to be working on I will gladly help out I love contributing to these types of things as I feel like I finally get to have a say and have a word so that Sage can expand and grow I feel like as a group of people contribute to a project, for example, we can get it done faster and have lots of ideas so that updates are on time and have a lot in them. Obviously respects the Developer who codes all these ideas that players and staff bring in because without them Sage wouldn't have a running network so obviously they play a big role in this as well.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?
I'm going to go ahead and say a solid 8 I like being straight up with everyone I don't like hiding important things from people unless it is important only for me and me only but usually I like to update a lot of people on what's going on and I stay up to date with people and I'm always honest. I don't makeup situations I go by what I did for example If I'm in a situation where I did something bad Ill firstly apologize for my actions and take some time to think about what I did and what I can improve on and do better the next time I always learn from my mistakes.

Being honest also has a lot to do with staffing especially because say for instance a long situation breaks out in Teamspeak and you have no control over it and that player ends up telling the Staff Manager about what happened he most likely will confront you and step you to the side in another channel and you will have to discuss what happened obviously if the stories don't match up there could be some punishments but if your honest and know that you did the wrong thing ill get just let it out saying sorry for doing so and so I promise I'll to learn from my mistake and this won't happen again. The least I would probably get is a strike but at least I will learn and won't mess up again.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional)
Deployable Proof

Additional Information?:
Telegram: @spult
Discord: spult#6066​


Known member

Unfortunately I have to give this one a -1 for a few specific reasons.

Reason 1:
This application is a near replica of your recently denied application on FiercePvP. DENIED - Spult's Staff Application | FiercePvP | Forums
Proof: - 28% from FiercePvP plagiarized - 12% of this portion copied from FiercePvP - 20% of this part plagiarized.
This brings the total amount plagiarized to 60%. You application is supposed to be unique.

Reason 2:
You were demoted less than a month ago. Take some time and find a different server and a different place to staff and gain good experience. You take the risk of something like this happening. I do know you were an alright staff member, but I cannot say whether or not you deserve to be staff again.

Overall, I believe you should fix your mistakes and report your changes if any were made.

- Matt


Thanks for taking the time to create an application, but I won't be moving forward with it at this time.
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