Denied SpookyMount Staff Applicaton (NA)

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IGN (In-Game Name): SpookyMount
Age: 16
Region (EU/NA/Other): NA
Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes, I was mod and
Screen Share verified on strafe mc -----> Proof
Why would you like to become a staff member?: I would prefer to become a staff on Sage Pvp because i feel i can impact the players gameplay in a very positive way whether it's muting folks that type inappropriately or banning those that blatantly cheat or ScreenSharing the closeters and banning them. I've got what takes to become a screen sharer and to become a decent staff on the sage pvp network. I Hope to help and improve the players experiences by banning hackers and banning the closeters that ruin the game. i would like to be staff on SagePvP because i need to use the spare time that i have to try and do something productive for the SagePvp Network. i will respect all the players who will inherit TeamSpeak and give help, ready to also respect all the opposite staff members as I feel that we are all doing the identical thing and wish to remain good friends and respecting those other Staff members will mean that we'll get along well and be able to help one another. Giving my time and energy goes to be important but firstly respect is essential to interact with other players. i need to point out my gratitude to all or any players once they have an interaction with me on the network. i will be able to always act professionally in any situation that's given to me and if I had an argument i might keep it to a minimum. Giving people my time and having to pay attention to what they assert is relevance me and if they provide the identical reaction back i'll show gratitude in what there in TeamSpeak, forums, or in chat posing for help with the community.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: My qualities will be very helpful to the staff team and the players! Teamwork,
Screen Sharing, Respectful and being active

Teamwork: this can be one among my best acts of professionalism while being staff. having the ability to figure with other players you've got never meet before is tough but i'm ready to try this with ease. I always kindle the other opinions and expand on them after I am confused about something and can learn something new about everyone i'm having to figure with, and not perceive them on how they talk or act. I'm not a coward i'm very outgoing and extremely respectful to everyone that I'm working with and keep it to knowledgeable level.

Activity: this is often something important that plenty of staff lack while being staff on a network. i'm ready to give 4+ hours every day MAX to the network if needed. Mostly i'd give around 2-3 hours on a daily basis Monday-Friday. On weekends, i'm ready to give longer than on weekdays. i will be able to handle each case i've got with thought and eagerness to help the staff team and the network.

Respect: giving my time and energy goes to be important but firstly respect is essential to interact with other players. i need to indicate my gratitude to any or all players once they have an interaction with me on the network. i will be able to always act professionally in any situation that's given to me and if I had an argument i'd keep it to a minimum. Giving people my time and having to pay attention to what they assert is relevancy me and if they offer the identical reaction back i will be able to show gratitude in what there in TeamSpeak, forums, or in chat requesting help with.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? 9 Honesty is key and humans make mistakes and make bad choices that have resulting in losing trust and faith in one another im not a perfect machine im a human and sometimes i do make mistakes and bad decisions and i reflect upon those decisions and i learn and grow from them.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: (optional) Yes Smackings can vouch for me.

Additional Information?: Thanks for taking the time and reading my application ;D


Thank you for taking the time to apply, but unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with it at this time.
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