Smackings' staff tier list


Established member

Quantise / Jacob - 9/10 quality male. Accent makes the final touch


sc0ttay - 8/10 quality salesman, could probably be a great real estate agent
Arcticcc - 7/10 good person, could appear more

Head Admin

Deployable - 8.5/10 great guy knows what he's doing, been here for a while
mmylo - 9/10 Probably one of the best if not the best current staff
wire [NA] - 8/10 Hilarious dude enough has been said

Platform Admin

Teaner - 7/5/10 dude could probably get his school swatted by beefing on minecraft
compacts - 7.5/10 Lovely person, entertains a room
Lucahh - 9/10 Funny dude, could have a convo with all day

Senior Admin

2x12 - 8/10 Needs to catch a break and go outside
Recruits - 9/10 Quality staff member, Someone that everyone could look up to


Hahasike - 9.5/10 This man is capable of making any awkward situation into something hilarious, prob one of the most fun dudes I've staffed with
Kibes - 8/10 Funny guy, loves to get his hands dirty
Zyaf - 7.5/10 Good guy, has learned a lot in a short time
Averred - 9/10 Somehow managed to get hard stuck admin again, one of the more enjoyable people to talk to

Senior Mod

nahxd - 8/10 Fun dude, wish I could've spoken to more


Stefz_ - 8/10 dude somehow still manages to make mistakes trial-mods do, hilarious tho
BabyiSparkton - 7/10 Haven't seen in years, great guy'
DLV - 10/10 one of the most fun dudes I've staffed with/talked to. Known for 2 years, knows what I'm on about


Corteh - 7/10 Good guy
Snowyboy5 - N/A
Shrekky - N/A
Senced - N/A
Arazify - N/A
Younger - N/A
Clypsix - N/A
innocentwagon - N/A

Trial Mod

Mahm - N/A
Cadex - N/A
bubba_mac - N/A


you missed the 25 year old supreme leader that resigned 47 years named calvin. so Ill do it for you.
Calvin (Supreme Leader) - 0/10 has a god complex and eats chicken all day. 25 year old that lives alone fucking loser