Denied Slayzz - Staff Application

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New member
Staff Application Format:

IGN (In-Game Name):



Do you have any previous staff experience?:
I have been a Helper, Moderator and Senior Moderator on several different 5/10 man Factions servers. These servers had around a 100-200 player base.

Why would you like to become a staff member?:
I would like to become a staff member here so that I can make sure that all the cheaters can be punished and all the legit players can thrive. I also just enjoy staffing in general rather than playing as it shows how well you can work in a team.

If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:
To be honest, I am not quite sure what I do just yet and I don’t want to just waste my time writing up a fake response to this but if I was to be accepted for staff, I would then re-think this question through and give a higher-up a few suggestions.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?:
I would rate my honesty scale around about a 7-8, I just find lying to people sad and boring and a stupid thing to do however I understand that there a times where you actually NEED to lie.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?:
No current staff members would be able to vouch for me.
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Thanks for taking the time to create an application, but unfortunately it's been denied.

You can re-apply for staff in 2 weeks time. Please take this time to review your application and make any necessary changes.
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