Denied SilenceKillers staff application



Upload proof of your past staff experiences, and i'll consider it.
Upload proof of your past staff experiences, and i'll consider it.
I appreciate the reply man! I will look if I have proof of any of my staff experiences as soon as I wake up I currently am in bed and not on PC, I know I have PotHCF’s proof of Admin rank and I do believe I have Velt’s but I do not know about the others…does that mean I can not be accepted? Sadly arcane and viper was SO long ago I’ll be honest I think I was staff on there on a whole different PC. Can I maybe just do the 2 servers I do have proof of or is that a deal breaker xD? I can check for Vipers aswell, but I am asking that if I can’t find it does that mean I am denied? I can assure you I have the experience needed and I am confident in my abilities of being a staff, I can guarantee if you’d give me an interview on TeamSpeak I would ace it. Think about giving the interview a chance?
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Need proof of every server you've listed. Otherwise you could easily fake it. Best way of you getting proof is by asking the staff managers/owners at the time.
Need proof of every server you've listed. Otherwise you could easily fake it. Best way of you getting proof is by asking the staff managers/owners at the time.
Man that is a bit of a problem as I stated I can provide proof for the bigger servers, I can provide what I can, then maybe you can consider an interview in teamspeak? I can guarantee you'll be impressed and wont regret your decision of making me staff.