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Lack of detail.

Oh no... Calvin has responded. [DENIED] for lacking detail.
You got denied for lacking detail, that's not something you want
to happen do you? Detail is important because that's the way
they will learn more about you. They do not know you you do not
know them. If they do not know about your history, why you want
to apply, and all of that.

Not meeting the standard requirements.
Total words: 329. Required: 600

You need to meet the requirements. If you do not
follow them you will get an instant deny.

No effort put into application.

You need to put effort into your application. The lead doesn't want
people that did not take effort into becoming a staff member on the
server. Making a big application, rechecking, taking your time will show
you have put enough effort into the application.

Grammar mistakes.

You have made a lot of grammar mistakes. Oh no that's not good.
You need to reread your application so you do not miss grammar mistakes.
If you are from another country that does not speak English I would recommend using
Grammarly. It will help you a lot.
Proof of grammar.PNG

I wish you luck!
DM me on discord if you need
tips: UrAmazing#6120
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Established member

- Lack of detail
- Grammar
- No proof of staff experience
- Potentially no staff experience (lying?)
- Doesn't meet the 600 character requirement
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