Denied ScootaMan's Staff Application

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IGN (In Game Name): ScootaMan

Age: 15

Timezone: EST

Country: United States

Do you own a quality microphone?: Yes.

Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?: Yes.

Do you have any previous Staff Experience?: Yes I do have a lot of previous staffing experience, here are some of the servers I have been staff on.

FaithfulMC(200-1000): A while ago I was staff on this server, it wasn't a good experience at all since there was a terrible staff manager that abused and demoted everyone so I just decided to stay off of that server and just not even think about joining the staff team back, although I did learn some new things on that server and some good staffing skills.

OvidPvP(100-150): A couple years ago I was staff on this pretty good HCF server. This was one of the first servers I was ever staff on and it taught me a lot on how to staff and how to deal with certain situations and control my emotions. This servers whole staff team was amazing and I wish this server was still apart of the HCF community today unfortunately it isn't since it did shut down probably a year or two ago.

Pexcraft(5-10): This was a really small skyblock server, although small it did teach me a bit about staffing. I just learned to not be serious all of the time while being staff and loosen up a little and not be so up tight all of the time, but I did resign from this server and haven't seen it since.

Why do you want to become Staff?: I'd love to be staff on this server for many reasons, of course I want to help the server out and ban hackers, but I think there is more than that to staffing. I think I can grow with the community and develop new friendships with people. I want to make sure everyone on the server is having a good experience. We all know that the HCF community is very very toxic, so I don't think I can just completely stop toxicity in all, but I would try my hardest if I got staff to help the server in anyway possible. I love staffing and its just a hobby to me so being staff on this server would really be fun for me. I strive to make people happy and help them out, and being staff on this server could make that possible.

Why should we accept you as a Staff?: I think I am a fit person for staff for a bunch of reasons. I think as being a player in the HCF community for a long time I can help players in different situations other candidates may not know how to deal with. I will be serious when needed of course but I wont up tight all of the time as staff I'll joke around with players and other staff friends but too an extent of course. I will be extremely active in all of Sage's servers such as TS, Telegram, Discord, Forums, and of course Minecraft. I will try my hardest to attend all of the meetings and if I don't I will make sure I tell someone what my reasoning is. I will remember I have to be fair with everyone and make sure not too treat people with higher or lower ranks with any special treatment. I will make sure everyone is treated fair and respectfully. I have some of my own traits I would like to explain to you.

Respectful: I am a very respectful person I try my hardest not to be toxic or disrespectful to people that come at me first, I just handle it the mature way and go on with my day. No matter who I encounter I will always treat them with respect no matter what its on. Even if im not staffing in any of Sage's servers I will not put a bad name for Sage's staff and be toxic outside of their server's.

Dedication: If I do get staff on Sage I will be very dedicated I will make sure to play everyday and not quit or give up. I feel like dedication is very important to put on this application because if a staff member isn't dedicated whats the point of recruiting him/her. I have played on sage for a while now on many different accounts. I think that this will help me be even more dedicated since I know the server well.

Patience: I am a very patient person if someone is slower at doing something I won't rush them or complain I will just wait and probably even help them out a little if they need it. There never is really a reason to be impatient and rude if you're staff, its just obvious I guess.

Can any staff member vouch for you?: Not that I believe of.

Additional Information: I know this application may seem un-detailed but I just think its easier for everyone to just get straight to the point and not be redundant and just add extra information that isn't needed. Although if you do think I should put more detail into the application please feel free to tell me :)
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