Denied Scaredly(s) Staff Application (US)

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Established member
IGN (In Game Name):


Age: 17 (January 2nd)

Timezone: Eastern Standard Timezone

Country: United States

Do you own a quality microphone?:

Blue Snowball ICE

Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?:

Discord: 223#4405

Telegram: @thugwalk

Teamspeak: ThuggyWuggy//ThugWalk

Do you have any previous Staff Experience?:

I have a ton of staffing experience!



Factions Servers:

Server - Opcraft

Staff Rank - Moderator

Explanation - I was moderator on opcraft for a few months before getting demoted for toxicity at this time I was not FULLY mature or mature at all, I was actually doing really decent at my job as moderator. I was pvping one day when I had got 4v1ed in a gank, After they killed me they had called me “Dogshit,” and to “kill myself” Me being the person I was I had told all of them to “Shut the fuck up” and one of them reported me to an manager and I was dealt with accordingly for being toxic and immature in chat.

Proof: N/A I had old recordings but cannot find them anymore some of the current staff may be able to vouch me.

Server - RoyalCraft
Rank - Helper

Explanation - I was helper on this server for maybe the first few weeks of winter break in 2018 early 2019, I was really inactive as I was starting to get into hcf instead of OG factions, It was quite fun being staff with them as I was ScreenSharing etc, It was quite easy to SS because most of the player(s) had terrible clients like wurst, huzini and the early version of Vape at the time. I was demoted for inactivity as they were removing most staff who were not on for the amount of time they said they were going to be.

Proof: N/A This was 1 year ago about, I have switched PCs

Practice Servers

Server - PvPTemple
Rank(s) - Moderator & SS Verified
Explanation - I was staffing for PvP Temple for a little while maybe 2-3 months when being promoted I instantly did my (SS Test) they said I did fine and got almost everything that needed to be tested. I later resigned as It was hard staffing for an european server at the time they did not have North American staff or Practice servers online so I decided to resign my roles.


HCF Servers :

Server - HcNations
Rank(s) - Trial-Moderator , SS Verified
Explanation- I resigned on nations I have staffed for them 3 times under a few different ownerships 1. KJ // Crisp 2. Frosty 3. _Menno , I was staffing for hcnations a lot because I supported the server a lot and I thought about applying and got accepted, I first wrote a full application, got interviewed and got accepted, I was super happy with myself making the team, I resigned from the hcnations staff team for inactivity I did not want to staff on the team to get demoted. I took matters into my own hands and decided to resign my role(s).


Server- RageHCF
Explanation- I shut-down the server as I wasn’t making any profit from buycraft as I was continuing to pay partners that never uploaded and the ones that did deleted their videos as they didn’t get as many views.
Proof- N/A this was a year ago

I dont have much HCF staffing experience but I am a good and hard working staff member when it comes to HCF

Server- MurderRip
Rank - Moderator+ - SS Verified

Explanation - Honestly, Murder was one of the more or less smaller servers I had staffed for it was a decent quality experience. I honestly really fw most of the owners (Gf9) and (FarewellSS) and some of the staff as well. I decided to give my resignation after I had been finding mc kinda boring at the time (Hints to me quitting) but yeah thats really the jist of murder.

Proof: (Owner) (GF9 Vouching me)

Why do you want to become Staff?:

I want to become staff on sagepvp because I feel like I have the opportunity to staff for sage as I have been with the community for a solid year, good and the bad. Sage has always interested me in ways other servers couldn’t adding practice and having a kitmap and 3 faction realms as well as adding ability items etc. Some of the items can be quite toxic like the pumpkin reaper. I would like to become staff to help rid of the toxic players (Yes I have had my toxic moments and I apologize to whomever I have been toxic to.) I want to help rid of the rule breakers and the cheaters. I am on nearly every SOTW and on 24/7 I do not go to sleep I promise. More reasons why I would like to become staff is because I know the community quite well, the server is really interesting to me and some of the staff members I’ve gotten the chance to talk to are actually really dope and nice, S/o Recruits, GangUp, Hayh, Leo and nolan. Some of these staff members are really dope to talk to and really chill.(#NoLifeGang )

Why should we accept you as a Staff?:

Reasons why you should accept me as staff-

I am completely mature even though sometimes I do not act like it being toxic in chat etc, I am completely aware that this reason could get me denied I promise that I will change and have been working on changing my toxicity. I have maturity when it comes to staffing and being professional in game while staffing. I will be respectful and helpful in teamspeak as well.

-= Activity=-

My activity is insanely active, I have maybe over 12 hours every map I believe but I can be on about 3-4 hours a day, I am always on way late on breaks (NA) (Est) and I stay awake probably through morning and everything. I literally do not sleep literally. I have a ton of activity and this will be needed as a staff member!

-=Staffing IQ=-

I have a huge staffing IQ, I know how to staff and the commands to staff at certain ranks, I get there might be a few commands different on sage but its not hard to learn, I am a very fast learner. I currently have no were to staff at and really want to get into the feel of staff again. I feel that sage could help level my staffing knowledge.

-=Screen Sharing IQ =-

As an incoming staff member some staff may need to teach you how to screen share, THANKFULLY I am not one of those staff members you guys may use some different tools I could get used to but I know how to ss decently enough to find cheats etc. I have staffed on quite a few hcf servers and wrote 2 or 3 ss guides fully, I have 0 access to them right now but I have a decent mind when it comes to screensharing I feel that could be very useful.


I always put 100% effort in everything I do, I use to record I no longer do I would love to start putting more effort towards the content I make I think that sage could really help me make the content again. I could upload staff series on sage as that is very fun to watch (I would know). I love putting effort towards things and I am not a lazy and careless person.


I will give the server all loyalty I will be loyal to sage as a player If I am accepted I will give the server my loyalty as an aspect of the server I will always contribute my time to the server. I will always be loyal to the staffing friends I could meet and would love the chance to meet them.

I will be 100% truthful and honest when speaking to a player, staff member anyone in general. If you ask me a question I will give you 100% truth no lying. I am a considerable person and will always be truthful with you.


I am a considerably trustworthy staff member, You have my word on everything. You ask me to do something trust me Ill get it done, I will not be untrustworthy if I get the chance to help the server out in any way shape or form I would love to that is the moral reason of why I am applying for this staff position.

Can any staff member vouch for you?:

1.) DaddyLs

Additional Information:

Always DM me if you ever need anything will respond within 24 hours tops.

Apology - I have also realized my toxicity has been terrible lately and I think that like a way for me to give back to everyone for my toxicity is to show them I am trying to change, yes a few things slip up every now and then but sometimes I try to refrain myself from using disrespectful words, I’d understand if some people (-1) because of my toxicity.

Thank you,



Elite Member
Congratulations, your application has been set to pending.

Please connect to for an interview.
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