Denied Sagepvp Helper

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Active member

Country: Netherlands

Do you own a quality microphone?: Yes, A Razer HeadPhone 100MB

Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?:

Discord: IMakeYourMad#9739
Telegram: @IMakeYourMad
TeamSpeak: IMakeYourMad

Do you have any previous Staff Experience?:

-----------100-400 players everyday-----------
-----------40-60 Players everyday-----------
-----------50-100 players everyday-----------
-----------15-40 players everyday-----------
-----------Senior admin-----------
-----------20-50 players everyday-----------
-----------200-210 players everyday-----------
-----------proof: Ask the owner-----------
I whas also staff on small servers,

Why do you want to become Staff?:

There are an immense amount of reasons why I would like to be staff on SagePVP but one of them is that I truly love helping people out. Just to see someone happy because I helped them also makes me happy. I also love making friends with people in the community or just having a general conversation with someone, I also want to apply for SagePVP because working with a big and different community can change my staffing and also me as a person, it will teach me how to work with different players that I have never before. One of my quality is that I am a very nice person to everyone and that’s why I love helping people so much, I can use that quality to help out SagePVP and show the players and community how much I really care about them, and that I deserve my rank as a staff member, also just to be staff on a server and to help people has always been a dream of mine, I also see that SagePVP needs staff and people to work support rooms, anytime I need help and that I join teamspeak there are a lot of people waiting and in need of help, where if I was staff I could move all those people and deal with their problems and questions. I am also very active and always on discord, telegram. I am willing to dedicate all my time into being a staff member on SagePVP!
Some other reasons why I want to become staff is I would love to help out the community, SagePVP is already a great server and the community is very nice and that I see potential in the server. Me as a normal player I have seen a lot of hackers phasing into bases and just bhopping around me and trying to kill me, luckily I have an OBS Recorded so I can record the hackers flying around me or phasing into my base, but most players do not have a great pc to record, or they don't have a recording software to use. So they normally die and go raidable for all the hard work they have done, and maybe even stop playing SagePVP because there was no staff to help the player. I also have seen a lot of staff be very immature in teamspeak and be goofy and make fun of different players and servers. If I was staff on SagePVP I would take my job seriously, I also do not tolerate people who break rules and cheat. As a staff member on SagePVP would be very mature, professional and calm even if I am getting yelled at by a player because he got false banned. I would make sure that everyone in the community is having the best HCF experience playing a server I staff. I would also love to change the community by making it less toxic, and having no cheaters on SagePVP and make it all around a better server and experience for all the staff and players on the server. I also know how mad and stressed players get when there is no staff on the server and since I am very active I can always be in teamspeak helping everyone with the best of my ability.
I also would like to apply because I meet the requirements to be a helper on SagePVP I treat every player the same and never be biased no matter if I know them or if they are Partner / YouTuber I will treat all players with respect and be honest with them. In my opinion I really think that staffing is really fun, I enjoy playing HCF but one of my favorite things to play Minecraft is to be staff on a server I enjoy playing even though you have to be very serious as a staff member and have a certain level of maturity, I think it is a fun experience to staff. As a player on SagePVP , I have seen many players be very racist through saying racial slurs in different ways, typing it word by word and being very toxic in chat and always having arguments. And telling people to kill themselves which is disrespectful. I am mostly on starting from the morning and that is when all the staff are offline. If I am not on my pc I will always be on Telegram, also Discord I always have those apps open on my phone and answer all the questions I get and deal with other problems. When I also ban someone I will mostly record it because 50% of the time they come into teamspeak and tell me that it was false, but since I have proof I can prove them wrong and I will never false ban someone I am always making sure I use my commands as a staff member correct. Not abusing in any sort of way and being sure of my bans/mutes. I also think that SagePVP has players from all over the world and that's what makes the server so special.

Why should we accept you as a Staff?:

I Have Experience And i will Support Sagepvp

Can any staff member vouch for you?:
{Admin} Promotheus

Additional Information:
Thank you for taking the time to read my application and I would love to read all the feedback on what to do next time for my application. Message me on telegram if you want to say anything else I will respond very fast


Thank you for taking the time to submit an application, but unfortunately it’s been denied.

- Severe plagiarism
- Missing age from application

You may re-apply in 2 weeks time. Please take this time to revise your application if need be.
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