Denied Recalibrations <Hawaii> Staff Application

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I don't like to reply to applications unless I think there's something I can say to help, I'm just am seriously confused.

I'm curious as to why you are using @Willcreepy evidence for being staff at ViperMC? I personally find it hard to believe that you are any of the people in that screenshot. If there's a completely innocent reason as to why you used the evidence it is completely fine I don't mean to sound assertive or anything like that I am just curious. I also wanted to mention that you put trail instead of trial.
That is my evidence from a decent while ago. I didn't know other people had been using it. Thanks for letting me know ill get in contact with them. Also yeah I mistype trial a decent amount. (also im not Willq_ im HalfDollar) ((EDIT 2: I remember him and I don't think we should have a problem. We were just in the same lobby and it is maybe just a coincidence.)
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